Importance of Calcium

Importance of Calcium

Do you know that is the importance of Calcium in the human body?  

Let’s tell you.. 

Calcium is a chemical element that is essential for living organisms, including humans. It is the most abundant mineral in the body and vital for good health. The teeth and bones contain the most calcium. Nerve cells, body tissues, blood, and other body fluids contain the rest of the calcium. 

Nearly all calcium in the body may be found in bones. It’s role is to help bones to remain healthy and stiff enough to carry the weight of the body. When needed, the body can draw upon these calcium reserves in the bones and use it elsewhere, such as in the bloodstream and soft tissues. 

Calcium is a co-factor for many enzymes; this means that without the presence of calcium, these crucial enzymes cannot work as efficiently. Calcium affects the smooth muscle that surrounds blood vessels, causing it to relax. 

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Bone remodeling is an ongoing process in which bone is broken down, and calcium is deposited to replace the bone material that is lost. However, when the amount of calcium in the bloodstream is too low, calcium stored in bones is broken down and used in the blood. It may lead to the calcium depletion in bones, a process that can take many years. 

Calcium regulates muscle contraction, including the beating of the heart muscle. When a nerve stimulates a tissue, calcium is released; it helps the proteins in muscle carry out the work of contraction. The muscle only relaxes again once the calcium is pumped back out of the flesh. 

Calcium plays a crucial role in normal blood coagulation (clotting). The process of clotting is involved with several steps; a host of chemicals involved. Calcium plays a part in a number of these steps. 

Increased calcium for a limited time does not usually cause side effects. However, receiving higher amounts of calcium over a long period raises the risk of kidney stones in some people. 

Those who do not receive enough calcium over a long period can develop osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time). Other disorders are also possible. It can result from poor diet, decreased calcium absorption, or increased calcium excretion. The body’s calcium stores may deplete through shed hair, skin, nails, sweat, feces, and urine. Moreover, calcium can only be absorbed in the digestive tract if the body also has an adequate supply of vitamin D. 

When calcium levels in the body fall too low, the bones have to supply calcium to tissues and fluids so that normal biological functions can continue. As a result, calcium deficiency can cause the bones to weaken, raising the risk of fracture and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. A person will typically not experience any symptoms of calcium deficiency while the body will be depleting the calcium stores in the bones. Low blood calcium, known as hypo-calcemia, is usually not caused by a lack of dietary calcium but is a result of other medical conditions or use of medications. In extreme cases, hypo-calcemia can cause abnormal heart rhythms and may even be fatal. 

Go and get your calcium levels checked today, for a healthier you! 

Until Next Time, 

Team Doctor ASKY! 


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