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Why Do We Snore And How To Manage It?

Snoring can make you embarrass in front of your partner and ruin your relationship with your partner along with your sleep cycle. Snoring might...

Fitness Tricks


4 Top Foods That Help You Achieve That Beautiful Skin Glow

Who doesn't wish to have healthy and gorgeous-looking skin? Nowadays, fake marketing campaigns and harmful products make you achieve unhealthy-looking skin, making you feel...


What Issues Might Most Women Face In Pregnancy?

We all know how miraculous and a source of joy could be the news of pregnancy for most people, but most people don't know...
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New strain of Coronavirus – What to do?

New Coronavirus or COVID-19- What to do? COVID-19 or Coronavirus is a highly contagious infectious disease and is also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome...

How to reduce uric acid ?

Usually, your body filters uric acid from your kidneys and urine. If you consume abundant purine in your diet or your body cannot get...

What Are The Major Causes Of Backache?

Backache is one of the most common debilitating condition which impairs our daily activities. The symptoms linked with backache include stabbing or shooting pain,...

3 Habits That Cause Wrinkles

Do you know someone in your family who has wrinkles on her skin? Are you also experiencing this but have no clue about it?...

Five Signs You Are Eating Too Much Salt

Eating salt is common worldwide as our taste buds are used to having flavor only salt. Sodium is one of the essential nutrients required...

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