After a long tiring day, the very first thing you choose to take a sip of is the tea or the cup of coffee. Do you know that the white tea leaves in your coffee can help you to de-stress yourself? Well drinking the cup of white tea leaves is the drink that is changing people’s lives. It is rich with the added health benefits where it can help you to lose the weight as well as improve the appearance of your skin and hair, and often helps in cancer treatment. It is best used for patients with diabetes, as well as enhancing your memory, also helps you stay alert. We will make you teach here the 10 important home-made recipes with white tea leaves that will help you to de-stress:

The Bai Hao Yinzhen tea is taken to be one of the most popular and desired tea in China. It has silver leaves that have silver hairs, or needles coming off of it. To prepare it, it is first brewed which has a yellow tint at first, and then you need to steep the tea for 5-8 minutes to get the best taste of the leaves.

For trying a tea with some tasty aroma, you should consider experimenting the White Puerh Tea. It is grown in the mountains of China. These leaves are all the way hand-picked and have a rich, and so far, the delicious taste and smell.

The Shou Mei tea all the way comes from the leaves at the tips of the white trees that are grown in China. It is named as white leaves as it comes from a white leaf tree! You can steep in hot water for about 2-3 minutes and it will be perfect to drink!

If you want to try the taste of silver needle teas, then you should be trying the Bai Mu Dan. As soon as you are going to sip it, it’s delicious aroma will make you feel so much light-hearted and happy that you can’t even imagine. The color will be a pale green/golden hue and the taste is somehow fruity.

The Gong Mei tea is set with the dark hue as when it is brewed and hence it needs to be steeped for 2-3 minutes or until the desired taste is obtained.
Ceylon WHITE:

On the next, we will mention you the Ceylon White that is grown in the Sri Lankan areas. This is a very pricey tea as for the reason that it is grown with the hand! Ceylon White tea is known for the sake of being a very light option.
Assam WHITE:

We would also make you prefer light white tea leaves is Assam White. This tea is stated to be much light tasting and also has been known to have a very malty taste. It would simply make you feel stress-free and being relaxed.
Darjeeling WHITE:

The Darjeeling White tea is one of the best hand-grown tea that thrives in rainy weather areas. With fluffy leaves, its taste is very sweet. The delicate taste and so as the texture of this tea will leave your taste buds and your mood positive and happy.

In the Kenyan and so many Malawi parts of Africa, you can find the African White tea as it leaves growing. If you are a lover of darker tasting tea then you’re going to love it for its taste and aroma.

This amazing recipe can be used with any tea. If you want to prepare it, you have to boil 12 cups of water and steep the tea bag for approximately 5 minutes. Then you need to mix peaches, mango and sugar in a large pitcher and then add the hot tea and serve over ice.
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