3 Amazing Ketogenic Coffee Recipes


If you are already fond of coffee then you will be happy to know some great benefits that coffee brings with it. though it gives you an extra kick in the morning before your working hours what if it is actually a healthy diet to add to your list? Science has proven so far that high-quality organic coffee is an awesome bio-hack for fulfilling the energy demand, a powerful fat-burner, yet rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.


They are enriched with some mind-blowing flavors and must be purely organic, and freshly roasted. Here are some health benefits of coffee before I share some top coffee recipes that will water your mouth if you really got a taste for it.

Health Benefits of Coffee:

  • Decreases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Provides a barrier against Parkinson’s Disease
  • Powerful antioxidant that kills the free radicals
  • Protects against Liver disease and Liver Cancer
  • Fights against Depression and elevates the mood

The Basic Coffee Recipe:

The basic recipe of a mug of fresh coffee is quite simple and keeps you going throughout your day, no matter how hectic it is. It is freshly flavored, with a lot of health benefits and most importantly an important source of proteins and low-carbs thought high in fats but a perfect combination to lose some calories.

Take a mug of freshly brewed good coffee, a tablespoon of MCT Oil, and a tablespoon of grass-fed butter. Blend it thoroughly or mix it together with your hand until it smells great. A cup of this simple recipe is not only a booster but keeps your mind active as well.


Top Shelf Coffee Recipes:

 Bulletproof Coffee Recipe:


1 cup freshly brewed organic or herbal coffee

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 TBSP grass-fed unsalted butter

¼ TBSP vanilla extract

A few drops of stevia extract (optional)


Put all of the above ingredients in a blender or mixer and mix it thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. Mix until it gets frothy. Drink it hot and let the shot provides you with all the energy you need for the day. it provides you with 148 calories per serving.

1: Cold brew coffee recipe:


2: 2 cups high-quality coffee

4 cups filtered water



Place the coffee grounds and water in a bowl to stir it thoroughly or in a mixer.

Place the mixture in a refrigerator.

Leave it for 12-24 hours, as much as you like.

Strain it through a coffee filter. The process will be slow but worth it.


The concentrate can be diluted either with water or milk as you like.


Autoimmune-Tea Coffee substitute Recipe:



1 cup of brewed tea of your own choice

1 TBSP coconut oil or grass-fed butter

1-2 TBSP of collagen hydrolysate

½ TBSP vanilla bean or vanilla extract (optional)



Brew the tea.

Add all other ingredients as per your flavor and mix strongly for 15-20 minutes.


Each cup of this drink carries 158 calories and is enriched with a strong flavor of the tea.

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