4 Silent Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Silent Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Like other nutrients, vitamin C is also important for your body. Inadequate consumption can lead to its deficiency and result in various issues. Adding vitamin C to some supplements and foods and the availability of fresh foods in developed countries should be enough to prevent this deficiency. Still, a small percentage of the population in developed countries suffers from vitamin C deficiency.

Let’s take a look at four salient signs of this deficiency:

1. Wounds take more time to heal.

The first sign you can observe due to vitamin C deficiency is that your wounds might be taking more time to heal. This happens because low levels of vitamin C mean a lower rate of collagen formation. Collagen is responsible for promoting wounds to heal. People who have severely low levels of vitamin C might be at an increased risk of getting their old wounds open up. This increases the risk of developing infection and should be treated urgently.

2. Easy bruising.

The second sign is that you might start getting bruises easily. This is a typical sign of this deficiency since the blood vessels weaken due to inadequate collagen production. Bruising happens when the skin underneath the blood vessels ruptures. This results in the leaking of blood into the adjacent areas. Due to vitamin C deficiency, bruises can show up as small, purple dots underneath your skin or might cover large parts of your body. This sign can usually be a clear symptom of some deficiency.

3. spoon-shaped fingernails.

The third sign is fingernails in a spoon shape with red lines or spots. You can identify this condition by seeing brittle and thin nails with a concave shape. Although this condition mainly occurs from iron deficiency, vitamin C deficiency can also be the culprit here. Vertical lines or red spots in the nail bed can also form in this deficiency since weak blood vessels can easily rupture. Although you can visually observe vitamin C deficiency through the appearance of toenails and fingernails, it does not necessarily mean that it is only due to loss of nutrients. There could be other reasons as well.

4. Bumpy and rough skin.

The fourth sign is bumpy and rough skin. Vitamin C is quite vital for the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein abundantly found in blood vessels, bones, joints, hair, and skin. People suffering from low levels of vitamin C can develop keratosis pilaris, which is a skin condition. Bumpy chicken-type skin can form on their buttocks, thighs, or back of their upper arms. This happens because keratin protein builds up inside the pores. Keratosis pilaris usually appears after 3-5 months of insufficient vitamin C intake and goes away with supplementation. But there can be other reasons for developing keratosis pilaris. It’s better to consult a doctor for the diagnosis of vitamin C deficiency.

Which of these salient signs of vitamin C deficiency can you observe in yourself or the people around you? How can you identify them? Discuss your answers and views in the comments below, and please share this video to help others prevent vitamin C deficiency.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!