4 Top Most Healthy Foods That Are High In Fats

Foods That Are High In Fats

Foods high in fats are a great source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the human body. People nowadays are reluctant to consume fats due to having cholesterol and heart diseases, but having fats in an adequate amount is necessary for leading a healthy life. Some people assume that all fatty foods are a source of risk for the human body, but some foods give an enormous amount of energy. There are some foods available with a wide variety that are a source of health and the high level of fats essential for the human body. Here are the top four high in fat foods that can actually help you live a healthy lifestyle. 

1.   Whole eggs

Eggs are the most misunderstood food products that people are unwilling to consume due to high cholesterol and fats. Only one egg indeed contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, which means that 62% of the calories in eggs come from fats. Despite being rich in fats, none of the research shows that eggs are bad for humans. The eggs with cholesterol do not affect the blood cholesterol levels, which means eggs are suitable for the human body! Whole eggs contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants, which are ideal for your eyes and your entire body.

2.   Dark chocolate 

Dark chocolate is both a combination of great taste and health. It is a tremendous source of fats as 65% of the content of dark chocolate comes from fats. Dark chocolate is also fully loaded with antioxidants that help the human body fight against inflammation and be healthy and strong. These antioxidants help people to be protected from aging, stress, and pollution. It is the reason why many dieticians recommend eating dark chocolate as a snack whenever you’re hungry. 

3.   Chia seeds

One of the most unique qualities of chia seeds is their high content of fatty acids in omega-3 fatty acids. Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain about 138 calories and 9 grams of fat (1 gram saturated). Chia seeds are also a tremendous source of fiber due to having 11 grams of them. This, together with other nutrients, makes chia seeds very healthy for the human body, which is why diet-conscious people are also prone to its intake. Chia seeds can be used on the top of your favorite cereal, smoothie, or just raw with water. 

4.   Coconut oil 

We might not ever think about coconut oil as a source of fatty acids or a healthy intake option. Coconut oil is one of the most beneficial oils consumed by people who want a healthier heart and body. The reason why coconut oil is unexpectedly perfect for us is due to having saturated fats which makes it very beneficial for us to consume. Coconut oil has also been an excellent alternative for people who want to live a healthier lifestyle by eliminating body fat. The nutrients available in coconut oil make people feel fuller and more energized than any other oil. Coconut oil is an excellent oil for using in the kitchen for cooking or baking because of its nutrient-packed advantages. It also has a beautiful smell, which makes it more convenient for people to use.

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Team Doctor ASKY!