7 Brain Damaging Chemicals

7 Brain Damaging Chemicals

We’ve come a long way when it comes to learning about toxic materials. Only a few hundred years ago, we were using lead in our paints like it was no big deal. This often resulted in lead poisoning. But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be vigilant about modern toxic chemicals. In 2006, the Lancet Neurology released a study in which they listed five neurotoxins that have contributed to cognitive deficits.

1)     Mercury

Exposure to mercury can lead to brain problems as serious as Parkinson’s disease. It can also cause lowered immunity and hormonal; disruptions. The most common sources of this mercury exposure are fish and fluorescent light bulbs. But if you really like fish then It’s advised to eat some fiber with your fish, such as an apple, whole grain or some beans. That’s because it binds with the mercy that could’ve been in the intestine and takes it out with the stool! Much of the mercury doesn’t get absorbed this way. Other than that, if you use fluorescent bulbs, be very careful with them. If one breaks, ventilate the whole area and stay out for a few hours!

2)     Aluminum

This neurotoxin has been known to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s diseases and other memory issues as well. The worst part is it’s extremely common in beverage containers and cooking utensils. It’s advised against using these utensils when you’re dealing with high heat and cooking with acidic materials. Moreover, avoid using aluminum foil in high head cooking as the foil can vaporize into the air and into the food too.

Consider watching this video to know more about toxic chemicals found in food…

3)     Benzene, Toluene and Xylene

We knew dirt was bad for our health, but who knew it could be toxic as well. These volatile organic compounds known as VOCs are found in the regular dirt you see outside. It can cause many health issues including g nervous system problems, and especially bone marrow toxicity. John Hibbs, ND, teaches the environmental medicine and toxicology curriculum at Bastyr University says that whenever someone with chronic leukemia approaches him, the first thing he does is check their body load of VOCs. If it’s high, he recommends a cleansing regimen and that almost always helps! All you need to do is remove your shoes and vacuum your house often.

4)     Diethanolamine (DEA), Triethanolamine (TEA), Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs), and Propylene Glycol

These chemicals are also VOCs and are found in most cleaning products such as degreasers, commercial dry cleaners, and even some cosmetics. They have the same harmful effects as the previous VOCs, including reduced function in the nervous system, immune system, liver, and kidneys too! Just use simple soap, vinegar, and lemon juice to clean your things!

5)     Plastic and PVC

These toxins can harm the liver, kidney, lungs and even cause birth defects. Unfortunately, they’re common in almost all household items such as food containers and adhesives. They’re literally everywhere. That smell when you get a new vinyl shower curtain? Yup, that’s PVC! One way to avoid exposure is to use glass containers and No.1, 4 and 5 plastic containers if you must use them.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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