7 ways social media affects your brain, According to science


The Internet is a wild place that’s given you many good things. Neuro-scientists are studying what are the effects of Social media while it gives us a lot of benefits which are also hilarious for health. In daily life, undoubtedly social media is very helpful but have negative implications on your mind as well.

Here are some of its effects

1: Social media is addictive:


Nowadays, social media sites are more than an addiction. Many of the sites are being logged in a day after a bit of time. Mostly it is due to the boredom and an attempt to get some relief from your surroundings. Even there is a scale formed for measuring the upgoing trend of posting pictures, liking, commenting, vlogging, etc.

2: Comparing lifestyle with others:


You may sometimes check out the people who have a good day and living an ideal lifestyle. This may have a bad impact on your mood. You may lack confidence and your mood may spoil. It has been observed that about 53% of the people had an impact on social media and probably 51% had a negative impact on their lifestyle due to lack of confidence.

3: Social media often leads to multitasking:

Our brain has the ability to do one work at a time. On social media, you are always on more than a single site which causes your brain to switch from one site to another so it becomes difficult to focus on one thing. Often you are so busy scrolling down your pages that you ignore the one’s that are sitting by your side, may be seeking your attention.

4: Social media can make us unhappy:

Pawel Kuczynski

People who use social sites for more time are unhappy than the people who use these sites quite less. Also, the users’ satisfaction level is low than the people who use it less.

5: Gives you phantom vibration syndromes:

Jean Jullien

Our brains have never been triggered in the way that it is getting now. Phantom vibration syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where you think your phone has gone off. It usually occurs with the most people once in two weeks.

6: Social media can lead to fear of missing you out:

Makkah Newspaper

Nowadays, when you go out you post the pictures and share everything about you. Sometimes it can evoke anxiety that why everyone is having fun without you. People sometimes feel insecurity because they feel they are not as much creative as the others or not enjoying the life at the level of others.

7: It can disrupt your sleep:

Jean Jullien

Using these devices can affect your sleep because the blue light emitting from these devices makes you awake all the night. This syndrome is called insomnia. You scroll the sites all the times which won’t let you sleep throughout the night. You sometimes try to sleep but could not sleep due to the usage of these devices. Experts recommend that you should stop using your devices after 9.00 pm.

Here are some Satirical Illustrations of using Social Media:


Pawel Kuczynski

Let’s Play:

Angel Boligan


John Holcroft


Marc Kostabi

Crossing The Road:

Liam Walsh

Modern Tan :


 Likeholic :

Asaf Hanuka


Pawel Kuczynski


Steve Cutts

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