An introvert is usually defined as a person who habitually does this; one who is more interested in his own thoughts and feelings than in the things outside himself. The stereotypical thinking of the society is miraculous to avoid and it is something that cannot be gotten rid of no matter what. The noise, the anger, and frustration, the hatred buried deep inside people’s heart are just too much to bear for some. And even then, the cruel people do not spare them. But personal opinion is taken as the one who is introvert is coolest because of numerous reasons:

1: In today’s society, the hustle and bustle make people lose themselves. They do not have enough time to discover their inner self. But those who spare themselves the simple pleasure of solitude usually know who they really are without the vicious opinions of the society like how they are a weirdo and that something is wrong with them. It’s cool when it dawns on you that it’s not you who are weird but those people who have been calling you these names all along.

2: Believe me when I say that walking into school with your head immersed in a book is beyond cool. People turn to look at you and mutter within themselves. Some curious to know who you are and others awed by the way you are indulged in reading. People feel incredulous as to how you find pleasure in something as monotonous as reading a book. They eventually get fed up with passing snide remarks and start getting inspired. One way or the other they are definitely motivated to do better than gossip about others behind their back. How cool is it when people tell you that you are a source of inspiration for them?

3: Popularity is another plus-point. No matter how awkward it sounds but when whispers arise whenever you make an appearance it means some people are asking about you and others are supplying information. You become famous without making any grand appearance at a party or throwing a magnificent party for that matter. People are keen to know how and why you are, what you are.

4: Everyone turns to look at you whenever you present an innovative idea in some group assignment. There is only one thing on their mind; How does HE know? You just have to shrug to your inner self and smirk because you know you are smarter than them!

5: The former leads to recognition by teachers. They start to recognize you as the ideal student. One who does not indulge in stupid prank-playing and other stuff that students are not allowed to do. Even when someone tries to frame you for something your teachers have enough trust in you not to give you some serious punishment. “Perks of being an introvert”.

6: Not interested in the outside noise and mayhem, introverts know what they have to do for a better life, despite working like a machine from 9 to 5 and studying like their life depends on it, they focus on their bright and dark sides. They know what their weaknesses are and what they have to do in order to overcome them.

7: Introverts are one type of procrastinators. Ones who ponder carefully over everything. They are observant enough to make smart decisions for themselves. And eventually, they find themselves better off than those who consider that they are smartest and take less than no time in deciding and later regret at what they did. After all, “haste makes waste”.

8: Such people find simple pleasures in life. They do not need to make a trip to the mall or fancy food restaurants to be happy. Even cuddling with a book and some coffee in hand or enjoying Netflix with popcorn is enough to bring a smile to their face. Closing yourself in your room and hiding beneath your comforter saves you the trouble of facing the cruel and tyrant demons of society, thus helping you to prevent dark thoughts arising regarding humanity. It helps you keep positive and be an all-time optimist.
As Carl Jung says, “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”
And the latter is what exactly introverts do!
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