8 Signs Your Partner is Emotionally Manipulating You To Say YES


It is all the more known fact that healthy relationships are based on trust, mutual respect, and security. These factors are mentioned to be the main ideal foundation for a good relationship. Sometimes in terms of overpowering the relationship, you might make the use of passive-aggressive tactics to express your pain or get your way in a disagreement.  Your partner can be manipulating on emotional terms to force you to say YES when you want to say NO.  Emotional manipulation can be subtle and so as deceptive that would be making you leave much confused and off-balance. Right here we will explain within 8 signs that show that your partner is emotionally manipulating you to say YES when you want to say NO:

Turning your Words to Benefit Them:

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A manipulator has trouble as in all accepting responsibility for their behavior, and hence often if you call them on it. They will always be finding out with some ways as to turn it around to make you feel bad or guilty. Besides being making her feel apologizing you should acknowledge his or her actions, and correct the situation. This is the worst manipulation you can do to your partner ever.

Saying something First and Denying it Later On:

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A manipulator may say yes to a request or even make a commitment to you, and then when the time comes to follow, they will conveniently forget that they ever said anything. A good manipulator is expert in a way of twisting a previous conversation or also replaying it to suit their needs and hence make you look forgetful, or even demanding, or ridiculous. You should keep a written proof of their promise so you can show them when they come to deny their statements.

Diminish away their Problems or Difficulties:

Doctor ASKY / Emotional Manipulation

Well, the category of the emotional manipulators does not care much about your problems. They will always use them as a platform to highlight their own. They will never acknowledge their narcissistic behavior or reframe the conversation around your pain or difficulty. You should not expose your vulnerabilities who can trample them.

Using Emotional Back Door:

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Rather than being direct and often sometimes forthright, manipulators will sidestep honest communication and hence also use passive aggressive methods instead. They will be talking behind your back with others.  They might use passive ways of letting you know they are unhappy.  You should try to call them at their own stand of behavior.

Make the energy Low in the Room:

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Manipulators are always in the want to grab everyone’s attention and focus. They want everyone to behave according to their mood set. They hence need to feed off the sympathies and energies of others. It is difficult to stay with the manipulator in one room.

Using Aggression or Angry Behavior:

Doctor ASKY / Emotional Manipulation

Manipulators often try to intimidate others just as with aggressive language, or the subtle threats, or outright anger. They are set away with the goal to foster fear or extreme discomfort.  If they are not in physical violence with you, you can call them out on this behavior.

Seeking to be Sensitive and Insecure:

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Emotional manipulators hence often seek out the vulnerabilities in people in order to exploit them. They will somehow consciously or unconsciously create relationships with people who are the most vulnerable and willing to be controlled.

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