8 Things To Know About Your Partner’s Past Relationships Before You Commit Seriously


Commitment is a huge step which is why one must think clearly and gather all the necessary information about their partner’s past relationships and present in order to make a rational decision.  Some of the things that might help you make up your mind depend upon the following questions. Below are the things that you must know before getting into a serious relationship.

Things one must know about the partners past relationships

1.      The number


Yes, the great number that affects relationship the most. Before committing you must know the number of relationships that your partner has had in the past. This number tells you a lot about them. If the number is high that most probably means that he or she is a player or just has very bad luck. Ask your partner about it, discuss it to understand him or her better.

2.      Type of relationship


The type of relationship that your partner had with their ex is something that tells so whether you must seriously commit to them or not. Was it a onetime thing or an on and off relationship. You need to know whether you partner was ever seriously committed with someone in the past because it is going to tell you whether he is going to stick around for long or is just fooling around with you.

3.      Your Partners behavior


The behavior is the main thing. You should be well aware of the way your partner treated their exes. I mean what better way to figure out how he or she is going to treat you after a serious relationship. Everyone can be sweet in the start but that mostly fades away after you commit to them so it is better to be safe than sorry.

4.      Who ended the relation?


Ending a healthy relationship can be hard which is why the person who breaks up is mostly considered as the bad guy. By knowing about your partners past relationship results you could get an idea about whether they were the villain or the victim. This helps you make up your mind about them.

5.      Why they broke up?


The reason behind breakups is always a story one fails to tell. I mean if your partner is upfront with you from the start then it is not a problem but some individuals like to keep their past private which is why you have to ask them again and again. If your partner had multiple relationships and they all ended due to similar reasons then you can develop a pattern and figure out who was the problem, the ex or your partner.

6.      Was cheating involved?


Cheating can impact an individual in many ways. You can develop hatred, resentment and self-pity if you were the one who was cheated on. You need to know whether you partner ever cheated on some or was he or she ever cheated on because this going to define the kind of relationship that you are going tp have, a caring one or a shady one.

7.      The way your partner talks about his or her exes


The way your partner talks about his or her ex with you tells a lot about whether they still have feelings for them or not. This information tells you whether your partner is going to commit to you seriously or is going to stay hooked up on his or her ex. Having this info beforehand can save a lot of tears and heartbreak.

8.      Are they still friends?


The kind of relationship they have now is very important for you to know because this gives you an idea whether you are going to be in or out of your partner’s life in the long run. If they have a friendly relationship then ask your partner the reason for the break up so that you can know whether it is going to be threatening or not.

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