Top 5 ways to manage Urinary Tract Infection


Urinary tract infection not only causes painful signs related to urination but also leads to systemic symptoms such as fever, back ache and abdominal pain. Here are several effective ways to handle UTI:

1. Drink plenty of water.

According to a study published in ‘JAMA International Medicine’ in October 2018, women who consumed more water experienced fewer episodes of recurrent cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder) and required lesser antibiotics. Drinking more water and detoxifying drinks during UTI can help dilute the urine, making urination less painful. Moreover, frequent urination increases the chances of the pathogenic bacteria to be flushed out of the urinary tract more easily. Studies suggest that low fluid intake has been linked to consistent recurrence of UTI, particularly among men. Furthermore, boosting water intake is known to reduce the risk of bladder infections by 50%.

2. Avoid irritants.

Accumulation of irritants in the urine can worsen UTI symptoms. Examples of such irritants include coffee, alcohol, spicy food and carbonated soft drinks to name a few. Studies reveal that individuals with chronic bladder inflammation who consume coffee, alcoholic beverages or sodas experience aggravated symptoms and further irritation in the bladder. Fruits with citric acid, such as orange and lemon, may trigger bladder inflammation in UTI patients. Additionally, artificial sweeteners can ignite inflammation in the urinary tract and make the healing process slower. UTI patients are advised to incorporate high-fiber carbohydrates in their diet such as oatmeal, lentils and cauliflower.

3. Switch to healthier habits.  

According to the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), certain lifestyle changes can pave the way to a speedy recovery from UTI. Healthy habits beneficial for the bladder include avoiding constipation and quitting smoking. Moreover, pelvic floor exercises strengthen muscles surrounding the urinary tract. It is advised to urinate after at least 3 to 4 hours. Holding urine in the bladder can be harmful in the long run, as this increases the chances of infection. UTI patients are particularly advised to take enough time while emptying the bladder and to stay in a relaxed position while urinating. Practising intimate hygiene and urinating after sexual intercourse are other helpful tips.

4. Take a probiotic.

Probiotics are useful microorganisms that are found in supplements as well as fermented foods such as probiotic yoghurt and a drink called kefir. Reliable researches suggest that the use of probiotics has been linked to improved digestive and bladder health along with effective prevention from recurrent UTI. Further studies found that opting for a combination of both probiotics and antibiotics was more beneficial in treating UTI symptoms than antibiotics alone. Certain strains of probiotics decrease the risk of UTI in unaffected individuals along with reducing the side effects of antibiotic use in UTI patients. Colonies of advantageous bacteria help keep the urine pH low, making it less favorable for the growth of infectious pathogens.

5. Try natural supplements.

Some natural sources and extracts can help calm down bladder irritation and prevent progression of UTI. D-Mannose, a particular form of sugar found naturally in cranberries, has been closely linked to effective UTI treatment. Cranberries and blueberries also help removal of pathogenic bacteria from the bladder and prevent further accumulation of infectious microorganisms in the urinary tract. Furthermore, garlic is known to have anti-microbial properties and inhibits bacterial growth during UTI. Bearberry leaf along with dandelion leaf, when used in a combination, reduce the risk of UTI re occurrence. Other foods helpful for UTI patients include tomatoes, broccoli, spinach and green tea.

Keep your urinary tract healthy by following these advantageous tips.


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