If something goes wrong in your heart, how do you know? How to identify a heart attack if you are getting one?
Not all heart problems come with evident warning signs. As you can see from the movies, there is not always an alarming grip on the chest, and then it falls to the ground. Some heart symptoms don’t even occur in the chest, and it’s not always easy to know what’s going on. Watch this video to identify signs that lead to a heart attack!

Chest discomfort: the most common symptom of heart risk. If you have a blocked artery or are having a heart problem, you may feel pain, tension, or pressure in your chest. Everyone has a different word for this feeling. Some people say that an elephant appears to be sitting on it. Other people say this is like pinching or burning. Chambers says if it’s a very short pain or something that hurts more when you touch it, it’s probably not your heart. It still needs to be checked by a doctor. If the symptoms are more severe and do not go away after a few minutes, you should call 911.
Nausea, Indigestion, Heartburn, or Stomach Pain – Some people experience these symptoms during a heart attack. They might even vomit. Women are more expected to report this type of symptom than men if you feel this way and are at risk for heart problems!
Arm radiating pain – Another classic symptom of a heart attack is pain radiating to the left side of the body. It almost always springs from the chest and proceeds outwards.
Drowsiness or feeling lightheadedness- many things can make you lose your balance or pass out for a moment. Maybe the food and drink weren’t enough, or you got up too fast. But if you suddenly feel unstable and also have chest discomfort or shortness of breath, contact a doctor immediately.
This may mean that your blood pressure is going down because your heart is unable to pump properly.
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Jaw pain or throat pain: By itself, jaw pain or pain is probably not associated with the heart. Most likely, it is caused by a muscle problem, a cold, or a sinus problem. But if there is pain or pressure radiating to the throat or jaw in the center of the chest, it may be a sign of a heart attack.
You get tired easily: after doing something you haven’t had a problem with in the past, like climbing stairs or getting groceries out of the car if you suddenly feel tired or in trouble, see your doctor right away. Such major changes are more important than any minor pain and ache you may feel. Excessive exhaustion or unexplained weakness can sometimes be a symptom of heart disease for days, especially for women.
Snoring: It is normal to snore a little while you are asleep. But unusual snoring like shortness of breath or suffocation can be a sign of sleep apnea. Then, while you are still sleeping, stop breathing briefly several times a night-this brings additional stress to your heart.

Sweating: Bursting in a cold sweat for no obvious reasons may indicate a heart attack. If this happens with any of the other symptoms, call 911 to go to the hospital right away. Don’t try to drive yourself.
A cough that won’t stop: In most cases, this is not a sign of a heart problem. However, if you have heart disease or know you are at risk, pay special attention to the possibility. If you have a prolonged cough that produces white or pink mucus, it may be a sign of heart failure. This happens when the heart does not meet the body’s demands and causes blood to return to the lungs.
All of these signs help identify a heart attack. Everyone should know these signs and symptoms to avoid any undesirable situation!