Importance of Vitamin D

Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamins are chemicals that are needed by your body for good health. They are vital for everyone, and ensure that your body works well, can fight illness and heal well. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D functions as a hormone, and every single cell in your body has a receptor for it.

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Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble steroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and multiple other biological effects. 

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for developing the structure and strength of your bones, and you need vitamin D to absorb these minerals. Your body must have vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Too little vitamin D results in soft bones in children (rickets) and fragile, misshapen bones in adults (osteomalacia). 

Vitamin D deficiency may lead to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies. These studies show that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of infection, although they do not definitively prove that lack of vitamin D causes disease — or that vitamin D supplements would lower risk. Vitamin D treatment helps treat or prevent autism, autoimmune disease, cancer, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, flu, neuromuscular diseases, and osteoporosis. 

Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and the neuromuscular system. One of vitamin D’s most important roles is keeping your immune system active, so you’re able to fight off viruses and bacteria that cause illness. It directly interacts with the cells that are responsible for fighting infection. If you often become sick, especially with colds or the flu, low vitamin D levels may be a contributing factor. Vitamin D also plays a significant role in the life cycle of human cells.  

Feeling tired can have many causes, and vitamin D deficiency may be one of them. Case studies have shown that deficient blood levels can cause fatigue that has a severe negative effect on the quality of life. 

Slow healing of wounds after surgery or injury may be a sign that your vitamin D levels are too low. Results from a test-tube study suggest that the vitamin increases the production of compounds that are crucial for forming new skin as part of the wound-healing process. Vitamin D’s role in controlling inflammation and fighting infection is vital for proper healing. 

The causes of muscle pain are often difficult to pinpoint. There is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency may be a potential cause of muscle pain in children and adults. The vitamin D receptor is present in nerve cells called nociceptors, which sense pain. 

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat. It is one of its most important roles. However, if vitamin D intake is excessive, blood calcium may reach levels that can cause unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms. 

Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common, and most people are unaware of it. Fixing your gap is simple, and can have significant benefits for your health. 

Until Next Time, 

Team Doctor ASKY! 


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