How To Prevent Heart Attack?

Prevent Heart Attack

Heart attacks are very common all over the globe. Heart disease is one of the main causes of death in the US. It is one of the major sources of disability. There are many things which we practice in our routine leading to the chance of suffering from a heart attack. Some of these risk factors are uncontrollable but most of them can be controlled.

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The risk factors which increase your chance of suffering from a heart attack include increased age i.e. 45 years for men while 55 years for women. Gender predilection also plays an important role leading to heart disease such as increased estrogen can offer protection against heart attack in women but diabetes raise your chance to suffer from heart disease. Certain races and ethnicity have high chances of suffering from heart attacks such as African Americans. Family history also plays an important role in heart disease, if you have a family history of heart disease then you are at high risk to suffer from a heart attack.

So, how can you prevent a heart attack is the main question? There are things that you can perform to lower your chance to suffer from a heart attack. You can control the blood pressure as high blood pressure can increase the chances of a heart attack. Check your blood pressure regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain normal blood pressure. Maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels as high cholesterol levels can result in clogging of the arteries leading to the risk of suffering from a heart attack and coronary artery disease. It is essential to take medications and follow healthy lifestyle changes to lower the levels of cholesterol in the body. Triglycerides are the types of fat in the body if triglycerides increase in the body they increase the chance to suffer from coronary artery disease.

Maintaining a healthy weight also prevents you from a heart attack. If you are obese and overweight it increases your chance to suffer from a heart attack. Controlling the weight can lower your risk of suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and others.  Eat a balanced and healthy diet which is rich in fresh fruits, vegetable, whole grains, and fish. Limit your intake of saturated fats, food rich in sodium or added sugars.

Exercise is the perfect way to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy and fit. Performing exercise regularly can strengthen your brain and heart by enhancing the circulation around the vital organs. It helps in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and aids in burning calories. Avoid excess alcohol as it increases the blood pressure levels which can result in a heart attack. Smoking cigarettes can also increase blood pressure and increase your chance to suffer from a heart attack. Quit smoking as soon as possible as it prevents you from a heart attack. Stress is also the main factor that can result in heart attack and increase your blood pressure. Try coping with stress, excessive drinking, overeating or smoking as they are harmful to your heart. Other than these preventive tips try sleeping well at night, drink 8-10 glasses of water daily and try managing other medical conditions if you have any such as diabetes or high blood pressure as they increase your chance to suffer from a heart attack.

Follow these simple tips regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent yourself against heart attack.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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