How Many Vitamins You Actually Need?

Vitamins You Actually Need

Many of us take multivitamins without any consultancy of our healthcare professionals. We just find it simple to pick up some multivitamins and start consuming it but it is not that simple if you look at the label of the multivitamin bottle you’ll see terms which you are unfamiliar with like DV, RDA, AI, UL, and many others. 

RDA is the recommended dietary allowance, AI is the adequate intake which means that the number of minerals or vitamins that you need to consume for keeping your body healthy and nourished. These recommendations are mentioned according to the age group and sex of each individual. The UL or tolerable upper intake level is the maximum dosage of vitamins that you can safely consume without any risk of adverse effects. The DV is the daily value that is mentioned on the labels of the food or supplements. A layman usually assumes that taking vitamins in excess does not result in side effects but it is the opposite way a high dosage of certain supplements can cause adverse effects over the body. For instance, some people start consuming vitamin B6 in excess and if you take vitamin B6 50 times more than RDA, you won’t reach UL but some individuals do develop nerve pain when they consume excess B6.

Some vitamins on the other hand if taken above RDA can cause extremely adverse effects as they have similar upper limits to RDA due to which you need to cautious. For instance excess doses of vitamin A, E, K along with minerals like selenium or iron can be toxic if taken in excess. Have a look at the recommended dietary allowance of the common vitamins which we usually intake in the form of supplements:

Vitamin A should be consumed around 900mcg/ day for men and 700mcg/ day for women. Vitamin B3/ niacin should be consumed around 16 mg/day for men and 14 mg/ day for women. Vitamin C should be consumed around 90 mg/day for men and 75 mg/ day for women. Vitamin D should be consumed around 15 mcg/day for 1-70 years old while 20 mcg/day for more than 70 years old. Vitamin E should be consumed around 22.4 IU/day for men and women both.

Vitamins are the essential needs of our bodies. We need two different forms of vitamins i.e. water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins absorb in the body fat and then used by the organs, if not present in the accurate amount it can lead to vitamin deficiency and then malnutrition and diseases. The common fat-soluble vitamins which we consume include vitamin A, E and K. Water-soluble vitamins, on the other hand, cannot be absorbed in fats so they are excreted out in urine if in excess. The common water-soluble vitamins which we consume include Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

Vitamin A is essential for a healthy reproductive and immune system, it offers healthy cells and promotes vision. It is present in dark-colored vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy and meat. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is rich in antioxidants. It offers shiny hair and glowing skin while protecting the cells against free radicals. Vitamin E enhances our immune system and prevents us against chronic diseases. Vitamin E is present in seeds, nuts, leafy vegetables, and others.  If you consume vitamin E in excess and you have a bleeding disorder then you are at increased risk of suffering from bleeding and ultimately death. Folate belongs to Vitamin B which helps in improved cognitive functions, healthy cardiovascular system, healthy pregnancy, and improved psychiatric illness. You can consume folate in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish and many others. Vitamin B6 is present in dairy products, cereals, vegetables, and others, it helps in improving the cognitive development where it enhances the formation of norepinephrine and serotonin. Vitamin C has antioxidants that make us feel young and fresh. It promotes collagen formation, prevents cold and flu. Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits, bell peppers, and other vegetables. Vitamin D is present in sunlight, dairy products and different supplements where it enhances the formation of healthy bones. If vitamin D is deficient then it can lead to brittle bones, weakness and painful sensation.

Popping up the vitamins is not the key to a healthy body instead you need to consume healthy foods and vegetables which offer you complete nutrition. The experts recommend that you should eat a balanced diet and only take vitamin supplements to fill the nutritional deficiencies if any. Most of us choose the poor dietary options due to which we suffer from the weak immune system leading to excess medicine usage and illness, it is therefore essential to choose supplements and modify the healthy choices in the diet plan. National Institute of health sciences conducted studies that showed that people who consumed excess vitamins were at increased risk to suffer from cancer while it was seen that women who consumed excess vitamins were at increased risk to suffer from skin cancer. It is always advised to consult the healthcare professional.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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