- Did you know that your dog can tell if you’re lying?
- Science says so, and there is research to prove it.
- A study conducted by Akiko Takaoka of Kyoto University in Japan showed how dogs know if a person is lying.
- As we know, a dog goes in the direction you point. Using a similar situation, the team tried to trick dogs into going towards a hidden bowl containing food.
- The researcher pointed towards a container filled with food, and as expected, the dog ran towards it.
- The researcher pointed in the same direction for the second time, but in this case, the container was empty.
- The dog ran towards it again but soon realized there was no food in it
- Thus, when the researcher pointed in the same direction the third time, the dog refused to move.
- The dog had realized that the person was unreliable and refused to follow the directions given.
- Surprisingly, every single dog of the 34 dogs used in the study displayed the same behavior.
- On the third time, each one of the dogs refused to move.
- This study provides a remarkable insight into the social intelligence dogs possess.
- Not only can they understand and remember a situation, but dogs can also form an opinion on the person’s character.
- They understand the concept of trust and reliability!
- Their social intelligence is surprising! And their behavior is a sign.
- It tells us that dogs prefer predictability. They get used to routines and can quickly get confused or stressed if a human’s behavior is out of ordinary.
- It is believed that their intelligence is a result of selective evolution due to their time spent with humans.
- Your dog will only trust you if it has a reason to do so or if you have proved your reliability over time.
- Some people believe that dogs know when someone has malicious intentions or if they are a terrible person. As we know that dogs possess a sophisticated sense of social intelligence, this might very well be possible!
- Moreover, this tells us how dogs can not only smell fear but can know when their owner might be lying!
- Hence, it is better to practice honesty with everyone, even your dogs!
Until Next Time,
Team Doctor ASKY!