What Is Overthinking And How You Can Prevent It

What Is Overthinking

You must have heard a lot about overthinking but never knew how bad it could be for our well-being. I have been an over-thinker my entire life, which is why I have anxiety and depression issues when something upsets me. Overthinking is a kind of illness which can create problems in our mind that might not even exist.For example, if you ever got someone in your life who might have asked you to lower your tone a bit. You might be a person who’s louder and more fun to be around, but because of one criticism, it must have had an impact on you. Research has shown that women tend to be over-thinkers more due to their nature of thinking and caring about feelings. Over-thinkers mostly overthinks for either worrying about their past or future. They end up thinking about things that they can’t actually control. Hence, they overthink to the extent that leads to anxiety disorder and depression. If you cannot identify this nature of yours, you should definitely look out for them.

Realizing these tendencies will actually help you towards avoiding overthinking. First of all, overthinking is keen towards thinking about their embarrassing moments. Secondly, your brain overthinks to an extent where your mind can’t help you sleep. Thirdly, you spent your time thinking, “what if” this happened or that happened. Fourth, you believe repeatedly about how someone responded to you or the tone of their voice while talking to you or maybe hidden meanings in their conversations. Fifth, after you had a rough time with someone, you think about all the possible things that you could have said than what you actually said. Sixth, you constantly think about your mistakes and do self-sabotaging. Seventh, if someone says something which is not something you particularly liked or thought of it as a reaction, you keep on overthinking and doubting yourself. Eight, you don’t know what’s happening around you as you’ve most probably dwelled in your own thoughts about your past or future. Ninth, you can’t help yourself to stop worrying about things bothering you. Suppose these are the things that relate to your experiences. In that case, you’re definitely an over-thinker, and you should do something about it before it makes your life miserable. 

Consider watching this video to know more about how to get rid of negative thoughts…..

By following some techniques, overthinking can be prevented. I would like to help you all by telling these preventive methods to stop your overthinking nature:

  • Whenever you’re about to overthink a particular situation in your life, it is primarily due to negative factors. It is suggested to take a deep breath and think about the positive things. Think about the things that can go right instead of wrong.
  • Most over-thinkers are mostly perfectionists. They expect every situation to go according to their perspective and according to what they assume. But, the reality of life is to be flexible enough to accept changes. Don’t wait up for things to be always perfect or in your favor. 
  • Over-thinkers should become self-aware. Self-awareness is a great virtue; it makes people responsible and robust enough to face any situation. Anytime you’re starting to doubt yourself or people around you, try to find a way to respond to the problem instead of reacting. A lot of time, we make the mistake of overanalyzing situations based on our feelings. The moment you become internally strong, no one would have power over you. 

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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