Top 5 Benefits of Meditation


1. Meditation Relieves stress.

To date, one of the most effective ways to manage stress is mindful meditation, which instantly reverses the impact of stress hormones and reduces their levels. The core concept behind it is being vigilant of the moment, which in turn instills a sense of serenity in the mind. Meditation works in the opposite manner to stress, by triggering the body’s relaxation response. It restores the body to a calmer state, assisting the body to repair itself and preventing the physiological damage caused by the physical effects of stress. Several studies have found out certain alterations in the brains of avid mediators that are linked to decreased reactivity towards both acute and chronic stress.

2. Meditation Improves sleep.

Several kinds of meditation, such as guided and concentration meditation, are known to combat insomnia and relieve symptoms related to poor sleep hygiene. A study published in JAMA International Medicine states that individuals who regularly meditated for over a period of six weeks experienced lesser sleep problems including insomnia than individuals who didn’t. The relaxation response induced by meditation is a deep physiological shift that relieves stress-related symptoms and the person experiences improved and comparatively uninterrupted sleep. Neuroscientists believe that meditation strengthens brain regions associated with sleep, boosts the brainwaves of sleep and enhances healthy melatonin levels that promote restful sleep.

3. Meditation Enhances brain function.

Scientific studies have proven that focus, attention and working memory capacity, all are greatly enhanced in individuals who meditate regularly. According to research conducted at the Harvard University, after only eight weeks of mindful meditation, participants reaped several benefits related to brain health including growth of the hippocampus, insula and prefrontal cortex, the brain regions linked to learning, memory and cognitive function. Meditation also increases the neural gray matter thickness, improving brain performance, advancing emotional intelligence and raising the overall IQ. It also boosts insight along with improving both short and long-term memory as the frontal brain lobe becomes more active during mindfulness.

4. Meditation Promotes heart health.

Meditation has also been proven to be advantageous in reducing the risk of cardiovascular illnesses. This is because the practice not only relieves stress and prevents hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure) but also prevents insulin resistance, contributing to prevention of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, meditation inhibits irregularity in heart rate, preventing arrhythmia and also reduces the release of hormones hazardous to the heart. Several studies have linked meditation to improved blood flow in coronary arteries and improved function of the cardiac muscle due to consistent blood pressure regulation. The deeper standing rest state increases stress resistance and hence lowers the risk of stress-induced cardiac arrest and stroke.

5. Meditation Improves the immune system.

Recent research explores that mindful meditation increases telomerase activity, which promotes the stability of chromosomes and prevents their degradation, which is the most common cause of cancer and premature ageing. Furthermore, meditation significantly reduces inflammatory markers, resulting in improved immune function and lesser chances of inflammatory diseases. Meditation also promotes the synthesis of CD-4 cells, which act as the immune system’s helper cells that enhance cell-mediated immunity. Mediators are known to have an increased number of antibodies that help combat against pathogenic virus, bacteria and other foreign agents. Meditation also amplifies activity in brain regions that command the immune system.

Practice meditation regularly to reap its endless benefits.  


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