Can Asthma Result In COPD?

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

According to the study conducted in 2004, it was seen that adults suffering from asthma are more likely to develop life-threatening lung infections like COPD. Researchers concluded that asthmatic patients are 12 times more likely to develop COPD i.e. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than individuals without asthma. So, let’s dive in to find out what is COPD? It is defined as a group of lung disorders that are incurable. This disease results in permanent damage to the air-filled sacs of the lungs leading to breathing difficulties along with the obstruction of airflow. These conditions include severe or refractory asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

NH institute states that COPD is the leading cause of death all around the globe. It is assumed by the researchers that Asthma and COPD are linked and the possible factors like acute bronchitis with repetitive episodes or smoking can facilitate the conversion of asthma to COPD. According to the Epidemiological study issued in the journal of CHEST, it concludes that people with active asthma are at higher risk of COPD in later life. It showed that smoking, as well as the older age, were the risk factors for people with COPD or other diseases.  It states that most people suffering from COPD have a history of smoking but all smokers do not develop COPD so other factors are also involved such as occupational, environmental, and genetic and others which are also significant risk factors. The triggering factors for asthma include pollen, cockroaches, dust mites, animal dander, molds or other allergens. These allergens can turn asthma into COPD which can make the symptoms worse. Smoking, however, remains the ultimate risk factor leading to COPD. It is a dangerous triggering factor for respiratory problems. It can reduce life expectancy while interfering with the treatment protocol. 

Consider watching this video to know what is Asthma.

The studies suggest that asthmatic patients should avoid risk factors like pollutants or tobacco smoking which prevents the chances of suffering from COPD. The immediate treatment for asthma helps in decreasing the chances of developing COPD in later life. It is stated that although COPD is incurable but an early diagnosis can slow down the progression of the disease.

The diagnosis of COPD and asthma is always complicated as most of the times the symptoms of both the diseases are similar and the health professionals usually mistakenly diagnose COPD as asthma or vice versa. The allergist usually performs the diagnosis of both the conditions starting from the medical history, physical examination where the breathing test like spirometry is performed. In this test, the allergist identifies the amount of air entering the lungs and how much it can hold along with the amount of air moving in and out of the lungs. Other than that the healthcare professional might also perform the chest X-rays and CT scans to properly evaluate the lungs and identify the stage of COPD or asthma ranging between mild, moderate or severe.

The treatment plan varies for both asthma and COPD as Asthma is a reversible condition while COPD is incurable and worsens with time. The earliest diagnosis with the proper treatment plan is essential for asthma to prevent its conversion into COPD. The customized treatment plan is decided for each patient suffering from COPD which helps in reducing the symptoms like lung rehabilitation program or Supplemental oxygen. Lifestyle changes are also part of the treatment plan where breathing techniques, exercise, and prevention against air pollutants are advised. So to conclude the sooner your symptoms are diagnosed the better it is for relieving the symptoms and improving the health condition.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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