Can Music Have An Effect On Your Brain?

Music Effect On Brain

The setting of a scene can totally be transcended only if you pick the right music. In movies, we often see an example of this when different instruments are used to set the mood for the upcoming scene. For instance, the loud thumping of drums slowly fades into soft violins as a romance scene approaches. So why is the psychology of our brains affected by different symphonies in different ways? And why is that we feel euphoric after a loud musical and gloomy after a slow song? 

While music has remained a part of several cultures throughout history, it is only now that we are truly understanding the science behind its impact. Neuromusicology is a branch of research solely focused on the effects of music on your nervous system. 

The primary question to be answered is what parts of the brain are affected in what ways? 

The frontal lobe, which is the part used in decision making and planning, improves significantly when listening to music, enhancing its functions. While the parts responsible for hearing and speech, namely Temporal lobe and Broca’s area, improve the brain’s ability to communicate better. Music has been known to affect each and every part of the brain. 

It stimulates all the parts in such a way, that researchers have deduced music to temporarily stop the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. By increasing dopamine in the Putamen region of the brain, music provides patients of Parkinson’s to function.

Consider watching this video to know the top 10 habits which are damaging to your brain.

Research has also shown that listening to music has been associated with boosting the immune system so that the antibodies and cells protecting against invaders are enhanced.

The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movement and storing physical memory. It’s also the part of the brain that is affected in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. Surprisingly, people retain better memory of melodies learned when young than their own spouses. 

A 2014 study showed that people with dementia involved in music listening and singing coaching classes had enhanced their short term and working memory. It also improved attention and executive function and general cognition. 

Some songs are designed to create an unforgettable experience. So the next time you feel shivers down your spine as you listen to favourite record, don’t be surprised! The Amygdala region of the brain is responsible for processing and triggering emotions. Music often causes an adrenaline rush. This is why you may feel more motivated to finish the mile run when blasting music through your headphones. This rush generated through music activates the Amygdala. 

The primal role that music plays is the lifting of one’s mood. The mood of a person can very easily be manipulated by his choice in music. Often, music triggers the pleasure centre of the brain, releasing dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that causes happiness and ecstasy. The effect of dopamine is so certain that the pleasure centre, when listens to the same song, anticipates the dopamine release and induces an early dopamine rush. 

The healing powers of music are often discussed. But they’re not limited to therapy or spa treatment. A study conducted in 2014, showed that people suffering from Fibromyalgia were able to experience reduced pain and increased functional mobility. This may be due to the release if opioids which are considered body’s natural pain relievers. 

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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