Research says Coronavirus affects more people with A-type blood


With the new virus attacking the world, scientist and exerts have got a new domain to work on. There have been a series of researches and theories that came in after the outbreak.

Previously, scientists said the virus doesn’t prevail much in hot temperatures.

Later, the scientists announced that coronavirus can be treated with a mixed dose of HIV and influenza virus medicines.

The scientists also said that coronavirus leaves aftermaths after the affected patients’ recovers. They said coronavirus affects the lungs and reduces the capacity of lungs by 20% to 30%.

Now the news is out that blood group also affects one’s chance of being concerned with the COVID-19. This is because of the variations in blood antigens and antibodies.

The research says that A-type blood is more likely to be infected severely with the virus. On the other hand, the O-type blood is comparatively safer from this pandemic. This means that if a person with A-type blood and another person with O-type blood is infected with the COIVD-19, the person with A-type might face severe complications during the recovery, feel intense pains and sufferings. While the other person would not have as much pain and would recover (Zhao, Yang, & Han-Ping, 2020).

The truth of our society is the unfamiliarity of the most population from their blood types. Only in case of accidents and diseases, people get their blood types checked so they can get the intravenous blood. But, it is good to know “what if” factors for different blood types. And obviously, knowing that of your own blood are huge plus. One won’t need to hustle to see the blood type, know about the complications and proceed for further process.

Read More: Answers to all your questions about Coronavirus

This study also mentions that since most of the severe COVID-19 patents developed and died of pneumonia, we can somewhat infer that this disease “leads to pneumonia.” However, the facts from the previous SARS-CoV-2 proved that some cases of the virus also lead to some strange conditions varying from malaria to cancer.

This study included people of Wuhan who were positive and negative for coronavirus. About 32.3% of the negative group had A-type blood, whereas 38% of the positive group was A-type blood. On the other side, about 25.8% among the positive group had an O-type blood. While 33.8% of the negative group had O-type blood. The other two groups didn’t have enough proportions in wither groups.

Earlier in 2017, it was found that O-type blood groups are more secure and less likely to be affected by blood transmitted disease and infections. They are less likely to get heart diseases and dementia disorders. A-type blood is most prone to diseases and infections. O-type blood also has reduced risk to cancers of various types (Scheiner & Northup, 2020).

On the other hand, A-tape blood group has reduced antibodies which might also damage the vaccines injected. This can lead to a lesser resistivity to various diseases. Therefore, in all mass outbreaks of diseases and infections, A-type blood is at a higher risk (Obeagu, 2019).

But, the fact might not remain the same depending on the vaccination and living habits of people. Smoking, alcohol consumption, drugs, continuous medications, diet and genome might affect the resistivity of people for different diseases and infections.

So even if you are O-type blooded, continue the quarantine habit and precautions to stay safe from the virus as there might be some hidden mini bodies inside you that are waiting to harm you!


Obeagu, E. I. (2019). An
  update on susceptibility of individuals to diseases based on ABO blood
  groups. International Journal of Current Research in medical sciences,
  5(3), 1-8.
Scheiner, B., & Northup,
  P. G. (2020). The impact of ABO blood type on the prevalence of portal
  vein thrombosis in patients with advanced chronic liver disease. Wiley
Zhao, J., Yang, Y., &
  Han-Ping. (2020). Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the
  COVID-19 Susceptibility. Medrix.


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