Many people confuse depression with sadness but actually depression is not same as sadness. Depression is different from sadness in many ways. Every day, hundreds and thousands of people around the world wake up with the feeling of dread in their heart.

They wake up with the urge to not wake up.
They feel the sadness is everlasting.
They think it is prolonged beyond measures.
If you are one of them or know someone, let us tell you that depression is not same as sadness.
Depression is more than being upset or sad for a day. It is the constant urge of giving up on the life and world.
It is feeling worthless and then being guilty over this feeling.
It is not sleeping or sleeping too much.
It is forgetting even the basic of things.
It is giving up on the idea that happiness exists.
It is sticking to the belief that life is a giant hole of nothingness

It is beating yourself for feeling your feelings.
It is seeing others around you happy and then wondering where did you go wrong?
It is believing that there is nothing left for you to cherish over.
In short, it is much more than being sad or upset.
If you suffer from it all, know that we understand you.
We understand when people around you can’t tie their mind around why you don’t want to enjoy life.
We understand when all the things that seemingly are enjoyable for others around you end up making you tired or worse suicidal.
We understand the dark thoughts that persist even when you do everything in your power to shoo them away.
Know that depression doesn’t necessarily have to be due to an unfortunate event that happened in your life. It can be a disorder as well.
Nobody wants depression and nobody likes suffering.
As much as hard it might sound, there is a world out there you need to hustle for.
There is life out there waiting for you to be explored.
Some horizons are stretched beyond your imagination.
Take one step away from depression and life will take dozens with you.
We know it would be hard, but we promise it gets easier.
But, remember that depression is not same as sadness.

Do not undermine your struggle by just terming it sadness, because it is way more than that.
Do not let this hollowness get the best of you and do not let it rule you.
Now, repeat after us, depression is not sadness.
Your feelings are real; what you feel has become a part of your existence very much.
But it isn’t too late. It will never be.
Validate your experience and seek help.
Say this out loud to yourself; I NEED HELP!
You just need to realize and take the first step alongside the professional help.
There is life out there waiting for you.

Just find your opportunity, grab it and never let go.