Five Diseases That Are Incurable

Diseases That Are Incurable

Considering the current medical advancements, research and studies being conducted, the modern era has witnessed some life-changing medical breakthroughs. The treatment methods for debilitating diseases are continuously being discovered. Medical technology has enabled an increase in life expectancy of patients suffering from deadly illnesses as well. However, till date, there still remain some diseases for which there is no cure yet.

1. Alzheimer’s disease:
Known as the most common kind of dementia, Alzheimer’s is a long-term neurodegenerative disorder. Individuals suffering from this disease often endure memory loss, consistent confusion, personality changes and loss of thinking skills. Other symptoms include disorientation and speech problems. Alzheimer’s patients usually survive for approximately three to nine years following diagnosis. It is mostly genetic. Neurofibrillary tangles are produced in the brain which cause neurological problems. It is usually prevalent in people aged sixty-five years or older. Medication along with mental exercise can help reduce complications and temporarily handle the symptoms, but there is no definite cure yet.

2. Diabetes Mellitus:
Type 1 (Juvenile-onset diabetes), type 2 (adult-onset diabetes) are the main sub-divisions of this disease. Type 1 is caused when insulin production is impaired, leading to insulin deficiency. In type 2 diabetes, the receptor cells in target organs fail to receive insulin. In both conditions, the body cells are unable to utilize glucose, which leads to higher blood glucose concentration. Symptoms include excessive thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision and fatigue. Being a chronic illness, diabetes has no cure. Management of this diseases involves maintaining blood glucose levels close to the normal range, which is aided by a healthier diet, physical activity, anti-diabetic medication.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, fatal condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus weakens the body’s immune system by destroying the T-cells or T-lymphocytes, which guard the body against infection. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and can also be caused by contact with infected blood, from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. As the disease progresses, it increases the risk for tuberculosis, opportunistic infections, tumors and loss of muscle mass. Currently, AIDS remains incurable and there is no effective HIV vaccine either. Antiviral therapy is known to reduce progression of the disease while fulfilling nutrient requirements and obtaining alternative medicine helps a bit as well.

4. Parkinson’s disease:
It is a chronic disorder of the nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. Degeneration of neurons in the brain cause a drop in dopamine levels, which is a neurotransmitter. When dopamine decreases, abnormal brain activity is triggered which induces symptoms like tremors, slowed movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and speech changes. The disease remains idiopathic, however factors like genes and environmental triggers can play a role. No treatment has yet been found for Parkinson’s. However, managing the disease includes medication including dopamine agonists and other drugs. Surgery, especially deep brain stimulation, can aid in improving the patient’s condition.

5. Asthma:
One of the most prevalent respiratory diseases, asthma involves inflammation of the air passages which leads to excessive mucus production. Characteristic symptoms include hyperventilation, chest pain, wheezing and persistent cough. There is no particular cause. However, environmental factors and genetic inheritance play a role. Exposure to allergic irritants such as airborne substances (pollen, dust, smoke) and air pollutants can worsen asthma.  While it remains incurable, there are ways to improve the patient’s condition. Eliminating exposure to smoke, irritants and harmful allergens is one way. Another is the use of pharmaceutical drugs and bronchodilators. 

Never take your health for granted, and keep striving for a healthier life.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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