Five Habits That Cause Diabetes Mellitus

Habits That Cause Diabetes Mellitus

Belonging to one of the most common illnesses, diabetes mellitus causes approximately 4.2 million deaths worldwide every year. The top five detrimental habits that lead to diabetes are:

1. Unhealthy dietary habits.  
Recent studies revealed a close connection between overconsumption of fast food and the onset of type-2 diabetes. Food sources high in excessive calories and low in vitamins and minerals such as processed meat and fried food, rapidly increase blood glucose concentration along with triglyceride levels. Refined carbohydrates stimulate an insulin surge, causing its imbalance that may result in diabetes. Moreover, skipping breakfast disrupts insulin levels as well, resulting in unwanted fluctuation of blood glucose concentration. Foods rich in saturated fats along with sugary drinks have been linked to the occurrence of insulin resistance in the body, which is the leading cause of diabetes type 2.

Consider watching this video to know more about what is diabetes….

2. Physical inactivity.
Physical inactivity leading to obesity accounts for more than 80% of the rapid increase in diabetes prevalence worldwide. Regular exercise plays a crucial role in maintenance of the blood glucose concentration close to the normal range. Without exercise, an individual is thrice as likely to be overweight and obesity is one of the top risk factors for diabetes. Nutritionists have found out that ceasing physical activity impedes glycemic control and results in elevated PPG (postprandial glucose) levels. Postprandial glucose is the abnormal spike in blood glucose or hyperglycemia, which paves the way for diabetes mellitus in the long run. Moderate but consistent exercise can greatly improve glucose homeostasis.

3. Stress.
Prolonged periods of mental stress can obstruct normal blood glucose control in the body. According to a study, stressed individuals have a raised risk of developing diabetes by 45%. During the state of both acute and chronic stress, a class of hormones called glucocorticoids is produced, including cortisol. Cortisol stimulates the transmission of stored glucose into the blood stream, directing it towards the muscles and limbs. This rapidly increases blood glucose levels and causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream. Cortisol also contributes to insulin resistance, impairing the ability of the pancreas to secrete healthy amounts of insulin. Hypertension is also caused by stress hormones, which triggers diabetes mellitus.

4. Sleep deprivation.   
According to medical professionals, long-term sleep deprivation or irregular sleeping patterns result in pre-diabetes among young individuals. The deep or restorative sleep stage is significant in maintaining proper insulin sensitivity and glycemic control. The body reacts to continuous sleep loss by causing insulin resistance, which is a major diabetes precursor. Lack of sleep also elevates cortisol levels and leads to an increased appetite, so a sleep deprived individual is more likely to eat in a calorie surplus. This in turn leads to obesity. Studies reveal that even short-term sleep deprivation results in an irregular glucose metabolism. Additionally, it is reported that just one six-hour period without sleep causes elevated triglyceride levels in the liver, in turn causing insulin resistance.

5. Dehydration.
Not drinking enough water can negatively impact the body’s normal metabolism and hormonal control. According to a study conducted in October 2011, individuals who drank less than ½ liter of water per day were more prone to hyperglycemia than people who drank 1 liter of water per day. Consuming enough water helps rehydrate the blood, causing a healthy removal of excess glucose through urination. An increase in water intake has been linked to both prevention and delay in the onset of gestational and type-2 diabetes. During periods of dehydration, transitory insulin resistance develops as well, causing higher than normal blood glucose levels.

Quitting these habits is imperative to prevent diabetes.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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