Five Ways To Cope-Up With Aphasia

Five Ways To Cope Up With Aphasia:

Aphasia is a condition which people experience after a stroke, and they undergo neurological problems where they are unable to speak correctly, write correctly, or understand spoken and written language properly. About 30-40% of the cases which survive stroke suffer from aphasia. It usually occurs in people where the stroke occurs over the left side of the brain- an area of the brain where the language is developed. Other than stroke, aphasia can also occur due to specific injuries like concussion or tumors. You can adopt these five simple ways to cope up with aphasia:

Try being flexible and thank nature that you have survived the situation. Try learning and using sign language with people around you and make them understand your opinion. You can also use sign language with friends and family members around you and ask them to help you around. You can also use picture books, written words, and electronic speech devices for making them understand what you understand and what you want. You can also take props along with you; for instance, if you’re going to buy a specific type of cream or a particular formula, you can show the empty container to the counter and ask for a new one.

Try practicing one-on-one conversation with your friends and family members around you by bringing in all your loved ones together in a group. It helps you to stay connected with your loved ones, and you regain confidence and self-esteem. You can also visit the support therapies where you can join a group of people suffering from aphasia and start restoring your self-confidence. 

Practice some common phrases so that you can communicate with your loved ones. Try learning the common ones so that you can breathe easy when you are alone. You are going to parties, attending any events, or going to the restaurant to eat your favorite meals. If you have a problem understanding what other people or salespeople or loved ones are trying to say to you, try telling them to slow down so that you can understand what others are trying to communicate with you. 

Don’t hide away from the world. You have to stay in this world only, so try coping up with aphasia and often socialize with your friends and family members so that you don’t feel left out. Find any support group around you, which includes the aphasia patients so that you are surrounded by the people who are going through similar problems. People with aphasia usually prefer hiding. However, this is not a good idea; you can ask your loved ones to arrange small parties or events where you can meet people in small groups without being anxious. Meeting with fewer people makes you feel more comfortable, and sometimes little is better than being in an over-crowded situation.

Consider your friends and family members to help you with the situation. Ask them to eliminate or try to minimize the background noises such as radio, traffic, television, and others. The loved ones should communicate at a normal voice so that the aphasia patients don’t feel low in confidence or as if they are hearing-impaired. Avoid distractions and ask your family members to break down sentences for you so that you understand it easily. Ask for support if you are feeling lonely or isolated without any hesitation from your loved ones.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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