Five Ways To Prevent Cancer

Five Ways To Prevent Cancer

Cancer or neoplasia, being a complex group of illnesses, is currently one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. It is majorly characterized by rapid abnormal growth of the body’s cells. Medical professionals have not yet discovered a vaccine or prevention technique that guarantees one hundred percent protection from tumors, but here are some ways that can definitely reduce the risk of developing cancer:

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1. Lose weight.
According to oncologists, the risk of cancer is twice as high in overweight individuals. Studies reveal that the number of colorectal, breast, kidney and pancreatic cancers reported are higher in obese people. This is due to the fact that endocrine hormone levels are prone to fluctuate more from the normal range when a person is obese. Moreover, visceral fat, or the fat layer surrounding the body’s vital organs is known to cause inflammation, which in turn leads to cancer growth. Maintaining a normal body mass index greatly decreases the risk of developing tumors later on in life.

2. Exercise.
Studies conducted by several cancer institute and oncology centers suggest that staying physically active reduces cancer occurrence by up to fifty percent if you get enough aerobic exercise. Consistent aerobic activity keeps your hormone levels balanced and reduces fat accumulation around internal organs, which in turn reduces the chances of inflammation. Usually, the amount of exercise required differs according to age and other factors. However, the American Cancer Society recommends at least two and a half hours of physical activity every week, including cardio-exercise and brisk walking.

3. Eat a healthy diet.
A strong link has been found between excessive red meat consumption and colon cancer risk. Moreover, an unbalanced diet comprising of processed food leads to fat buildup. High sugar intake leads to glycemic load, which is a cause of endometrial cancer. Foods rich in anti-oxidants greatly decrease the risk of inflammation. Fruits reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Eating vegetables containing carotenoids such as carrots, reduce the risk of lung and larynx tumors. Citrus fruits enriched in Vitamin C help protect the body against stomach and esophageal cancer.

4. Quit smoking.  
Toxins in tobacco smoke such as nicotine and tar can alter the DNA, leading to mutation which ultimately leads to a cascade of mechanisms causing cancer. Smoking greatly raises the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, tongue, larynx and cervix. Inhalation of cigarette smoke, which contains carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) results in inflammation of the cells lining the lungs and severe damage as well. In addition to about eighty-five percent of lung cancers, cigarette smoking is the culprit behind a huge fraction of bladder, head and neck, and esophageal cancers. Quitting smoking is known to improve health in smokers of all ages. Statistics reveal that after quitting smoking an individual cuts down their risk of developing lung cancer by thirty to fifty percent in ten years as compared to smokers who don’t.

5. Limit alcohol.
Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to alcoholism. The limit crosses at more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Alcohol hinders the body’s ability to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream. It may damage the DNA structure as well, leading to mutation, the causative agent of cancer growth. Structures of proteins and fats are also altered by alcohol, and it also causes abnormal fluctuation in estrogen levels, which is linked to development of breast and uterine cancers in females. Reducing or omitting alcohol can prevent liver, colorectal and esophageal cancers as well.

Incorporate these habits in your life and strengthen your shield against cancer. 

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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