Four Signs You Have Potassium Deficiency

Four Signs You Have Potassium Deficiency

Potassium plays a vital role in our bodies. It regulates fluid balance, maintains healthy nerve function, and regulates muscle contractions.

Most people are not taking the recommended potassium quantity in their diets. This can be due to the fact that people prefer processed foods rather than eating nuts, beans, vegetables, and fruits.

Still, a lower quantity of potassium in our diet is rarely responsible for potassium deficiency. Usually, hypokalemia, or potassium deficiency, happens when our body suddenly loses a considerable amount of fluid. It can occur due to blood loss, excessive sweating, chronic diarrhea, or vomiting.

Here are four signs of potassium deficiency.

The first sign is fatigue and weakness. People experiencing unexplained fatigue and weakness might be suffering from potassium deficiency. These are often the first symptoms of this issue. Mineral deficiency can result in fatigue and weakness in several ways. Since potassium is responsible for regulating muscle contractions, low blood potassium levels can lead to weaker contractions. Potassium deficiency also affects how our body uses nutrients. This causes fatigue. For instance, mineral deficiency can cause high blood sugar levels due to the impairment of insulin production.

The second sign is digestive issues. Digestive problems can occur due to several issues, and one of them is the deficiency of potassium in your body. Due to potassium, the muscles inside the digestive system receive signals from the brain. To properly churn food for digestion, these signals cause contractions to aid the digestive system. Low blood potassium levels reduce the efficiency of these signals. This results in a slower food movement in the digestive system due to weaker contractions. As a result, you will face common digestive problems like constipation and bloating. In sporadic cases, even your gut can become paralyzed if you are suffering from severe potassium deficiency.

The third sign is muscle spasms and cramps. Unexpected and uncontrolled muscle contractions are known as muscle cramps. They happen when you have low blood potassium levels. Potassium in muscle cells aids in relaying signals from the brain, in turn stimulating contractions. Low levels of blood potassium lower the relaying efficiency of these signals. This causes prolonged contractions like muscle cramps.

The fourth sign is heart palpitations. Your heart is a very important organ in your body. Sometimes it might skip a beat or beat faster and harder. This condition is called heart palpitation. Usually, it occurs due to anxiety or stress. But potassium deficiency can also result in heart palpitations. This happens because potassium flow aids in regulating the heartbeat. Low levels of blood potassium change this natural flow which in turn causes heart palpitations. Additionally, heart palpitations can be a symptom of irregular heartbeat, which is also linked with potassium deficiency. Severe heart conditions can occur due to irregular heartbeat, and that is why you need to increase your intake of potassium to avoid health and heart problems.

Were you aware of these signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency? How do you plan to get rid of this deficiency? Let us know your views in the comments below, and do share this video with your friends and family.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!