Habits That May Be Harming Your Heart


The heart is an essential organ of your body. It pumps blood to all the parts of your body. We all know that a healthy heart ensures a wonderful and problem-free life. People today have become more health-conscious and strive to improve their quality of life. However, many people undermine their efforts because of some surprisingly common bad habits. Eliminating these habits can help your keep your heart fit and healthy.

Your sleep has a lot to do with your heart. If you have a habit of staying awake till late or compromising your sleep for work, it is time to change your routine. You require at least seven hours of sound sleep to stay fit and healthy. If you don’t sleep enough, your stress levels increase, you feel less active, and you remain fatigued throughout the day. These habits contribute to poor heart health. Sleep disturbances also cause blood pressure issues leading to heart problems.

Have you been under a lot of stress lately? If so, it may be harming your heart. Excessive worrying or engaging in activities that trigger mental pressure can be dangerous to your heart health. Stress releases a special hormone in the body known as cortisol. This hormone is responsible for causing cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure issues, all leading to heart problems. Stress also promotes the buildup of plaque in your blood vessels. The best way to avoid stress is to take some time out for yourself and relax. You can also try relaxation exercises, deep breathing, and meditation.

Who doesn’t love some extra flavor in their snacks or food? However, a diet loaded with salt can be detrimental to your cardiac fitness. Too much salt in your diet can be one of the culprits behind uncontrolled and excessively high blood pressure. High BP is often linked to heart attacks and heart failure. Limiting salt intake and having a balanced diet can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Consider watching this video to know more about how to prevent heart attacks…

People with smoking habits often suffer from cardiac problems. According to research, smoking increases your heart rate and affects major arteries. Smokers also experience irregular heart rhythms making your heart work harder than expected. Inhaling second-hand smoke can also hurt your heart and blood vessels. So if you smoke, you may be harming others around you as well.

If you have a lazy lifestyle and prefer staying indoors, you might be putting your heart health at risk. Inactive lifestyles and lack of exercise can contribute to various heart issues. According to a study published by the American Heart Association in 2014, people who tend to sit for prolonged hours have a double risk for heart failure.

Do you know that your dental health can contribute to heart issues? According to a study in the Journal of Periodontal Research, people suffering from coronary heart disease who flossed regularly had fewer cardiac problems. Another study in 2013 found that when the bacteria in your mouth grow due to lack of dental hygiene, they increase the risk for heart diseases.

Drinking alcohol often also puts your heart at a greater risk for diseases. Increased alcohol consumption has been linked with high blood pressure and fat in the blood. High blood pressure not only damages your blood vessels but also damages your heart. Lastly, heart diseases don’t usually develop suddenly. Your body often gives signs indicating heart problems. If you witness these signs, consulting your doctor and avoiding these bad habits can help.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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