Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Pain Relief


Home remedies for Hemorrhoids pain relief are increasingly beneficial. Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal, also termed as piles. They are a reason for discomfort for people. Vascular structures are generally present in the anal canal and help to give cushioning effect during defecation.

But they are called hemorrhoids when inflamed and swollen. Primary causes are diarrhea, constipation, nutritional factors, ascites, obesity, pregnancy, genetics, sitting in the toilet for a long time etc.

There are two types of hemorrhoids commonly known as internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids depending on the symptoms. External hemorrhoids may be very painful while internal hemorrhoids are painless and also has bright red rectal bleeding.

To reduce the symptoms of pain, there are many treatments and home remedies for Hemorrhoids pain relief. Some of the remedies are given below:

  • Sitting in a bath containing warm water for about 15 minutes can give relief. This is considered one of the best ways to get relief from hemorrhoids pain as it gives a soothing effect.
  • Witch hazel oil has anti-inflammatory properties so it is used to reduce swelling, pain, and bleeding. They are applied directly on the inflamed skin in case of external hemorrhoids.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also used to reduce itching and swelling of inflamed tissue but it should not be applied on the skin directly because it can burn the skin. So, it is always diluted with water when used to get the desired effects.

    apple cider vinegar

  • Aloe Vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. So, it is used to treat hemorrhoids and thus it is applied to the area of swelling and pain.
  • Tea tree oil is known for having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is used to reduce swelling and itching in the inflamed area.
  • Another home remedy for hemorrhoids is mixing Epsom salt and glycerin in equal amounts then apply this mixture on the inflamed area for 15 to 20 minutes. This will help to reduce the swelling, pain, and bleeding.
  • A cold compress can give relief. Apply a small piece of ice on the inflamed area for 10 to 15 minutes. This will reduce the swelling and pain. As vasoconstriction takes place so it will help to relieve pain.
  • One of the best remedies to protect yourself from painful hemorrhoids is drinking a lot of water and taking fiber in the diet. This will help in natural defecation. But in dehydration hemorrhoids become severely painful.
  • Hemorrhoids can be treated using a tea bag. Apply warm wet tea bag at the inflamed area in case of external hemorrhoids to get relief. As tea contains tannic acid that reduces swelling and bleeding.
  • Petroleum jelly is used as moisturizing ability. It is applied to the inflamed area to moisturize it and this will in turn help in reducing the pain and swelling.
  • Potato is also used to treat hemorrhoids. A piece of potato is taken and make a compress then apply it to the area of pain. This will give relief to the inflamed area
  • Use soft and simple toilet papers as others contain harmful chemicals that may worsen up the condition.

    home remedies for hemorrhoids pain relief


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