UTI is an infection in either part of your urinary system that could either be your kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, or urethra. While most of the infections involve lower urinary tract that is urethra and bladder. The infection is most common among females as compared to males. Two strains of bacteria have reported causing 80% of cases which are Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and Escherichia coli.
In case of a urinary tract infection, you need to consult your doctor for a preference that’s because you definitely don’t want this infection to get any severe. But along with the certified prescriptions, there are certain home remedies which can be practiced easily and enhance your treatment to get rid of UTI and prevent it for life.
Drink as much water as you can:

In case of UTI drinking, a lot of water actually helps in removing the bacteria that is causing an infection in your urinary tract. It helps you to get back on the track and drinking a lot of water also helps to remove all the toxic substances from your body. it washes your kidneys as well and enhances their function as well.
Vitamin C can be a cure:

Eating a lot of foods that are rich in vitamin C can help in a way as it will turn the urine to be acidic which kills all the residing bacteria. The bacteria only grow at an optimum pH, so acidic food can really do a great job in killing those bacteria. You can either take vitamin C supplements to help to eliminate active UTI or just stop by such foods and citric fruits such as lemon, oranges, grapefruit, papaya etc.
Find a cure for Heat

Urinary tract infection usually causes pain and irritation in your pubic area which is a continuous source of itching. Soothing your pubic area with a heating pad for 10-15 mins can help reduce the pain and itching. Don’t apply a direct heat as the area is already too sensitive and also keep the heat setting low and for a maximum of 15 mins otherwise, it may lead to a minor burn.
Avoid Bladder Irritants in your Diet:

Now, what could be the bladder irritants in your diet that may enhance the infections and make it difficult to take control of the organism causing it. if you are having a UTI then you must avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, nicotine, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners etc. These foods may aggravate the response of infections in your urinary tract and minimize the effect of treatment too. So, you better avoid these foods and catch on some healthy diet such as high-fiber carbohydrates which is good for your health and helps in recovering too.
Go to the Washroom as soon as you feel the Urge:

Every time you have an urge to pee, go straight to the washroom because even a small amount of it can help getting rid of a large number of bacteria which will soothe your urinary tract.
Herbal Remedies:

Uva Ursi (bearberry leaf) is thought to be best herbal medicine to treat UTI naturally. It is most effective in treating lower urinary tract infections. But this herbal remedy should be taken no longer than 5 days as it can cause liver damage. So, the caution is very important before using any medicine. The herb goldenseal may also be a good alternate to uva ursi against UTI.
Do consult your doctor prior taking any supplement or herbal treatment as it may evoke a chance of some serious reaction sometimes. Also, the area is too sensitive so these treatments should not be practiced on your own until or unless recommended by a doctor.
Adopt some Healthy Habits for a Better Recovery

When you get exposed to a UTI infection, you seriously need to reconsider your lifestyle and take good care of your hygiene as well. Switching on to a healthy life mode while your urethra is infected with some serious bacteria can really help you prevent you from such infections in future and recover from the present one soon.
- Try to quit smoking.
- Start wearing underwear and loose cotton clothes (clean as well).
- Wipe yourself from front to back after every visit to the washroom.
- Choose fragrance-free personal hygiene products for your body.
Cranberry Juice

A few years back cranberry juice was thought to be a cure to treat UTI when actually it is not. It was thought that it helps to flush away the bacteria and prevent it from sticking to endothelium lining of the bladder but now it is proven that cranberry juice has no beneficial effects in treating UTI.
Take a probiotic

The studies have shown that certain strains of probiotics are helpful in treating UTI’s. These are the microorganisms that are consumed either through food or supplements to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. In fact, one study proved that Lactobacillus which is a common probiotic strain helps to prevent UTI in adult women. They are also reported to enhance the effects of antibiotics and thus a more instant cure of UTI’s. They are also beneficial in reducing the side effects of antibiotics and maintain a good level of bacteria in your gut.
Take Care of Your Hygiene:

Along with all the medical treatment and prescriptions, personal hygiene is very important. The treatment can only be effective if you take care of your bathroom habits and personal hygiene. Do not hold the urine for too long as it results in the built up of bacteria in your bladder which may aggravate the infections. Peeing after the sexual intercourse can also prevent the spread of bacteria and reduces the risks of UTI’s. Those who are prone to UTI’s should also avoid using spermicides as it since it has been associated with increasing the risk of UTI’s.
Thus, personal hygiene and eating habits matter a lot if you are prone to UTI along with a prescription from a certified doctor.
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