How Thoughts Are Formed In The Brain?

How Thoughts Are Formed In The Brain

Scientists have been trying hard to find out where the thoughts emerge within our brains. It is a complex situation to find out how this is happening whether the thoughts come from nowhere. Are these thoughts the reaction against environmental situations or society? People assume that subjectively the thoughts appear as something in the mind which then pops out from our mouth. It is assumed that the certain activity of the neurons in the brain results in the formation of thoughts.

The neuronal processes which mediate and transmit thoughts have both proximal as well distal causes. Proximal causes include the circumstances and stimuli which we experience in our life. The experiences in life result in an impact on our body where the forces react within the inside and outside of the body leading to the stream of certain thoughts in specific circumstances. The distal causes of neural processes include our evolutionary history or experiential history. These experiences in our past include the learning process which we go through in our consciousness and unconsciousness. There are certain events in our life which have a negative or a positive impact on our minds and body.

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In simpler terms, we all know that thoughts are the entire process of thinking. We do think big and loud. Our thoughts are somehow out of this world but are these thoughts only confined to the brain is not the right answer. The thoughts process through the minds and expand towards our bodies which ultimately results in a thinking process. We perceive cognition as the files which we see, feel or touch through our body which are then relayed to our brain. This sensory data is perceived through bones, fingers, eyes, and ear which then goes to the mind where these signals are manipulated which we term as thinking.

Different thoughts occur in different places and through several networks to various places. For example, the hippocampus is the part of the brain which keeps memories. Thoughts are processed through the electrical potential that is generated from several chemical reactions within the brain and body which are then transmitted through neurons and then to the synapses between neurons. We consume glucose which is then utilized for energy production to power several transport channels in the brain. This energy is then turned into electrical signals that help in the transmission of messages amongst different neurons leading to the creation of thoughts. The electrical signal passes through the entire length of the neuron after which it turns into chemical energy where it turns into neurotransmitters to transmit signals amongst neurons. All this activity of the thinking process is covered by ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate which is produced by mitochondria of the cells.

The brain consumes 1-3% of the total body mass but it needs 20-30% oxygen with energy that helps the neuronal networks to work properly. No scientists or researchers can thoroughly explain the fact that how thoughts are formed in our brains. It is assumed that all of us are born with a certain coding mechanism in our head similar to the computers. We then start learning different languages, process different images which are then programmed in our brain that starts producing thoughts. 

For instance, if you are thinking about someone’s face then the selective neurons of the brain will be activated where it starts thinking about someone’s face and how they will perceive them when they see. Another example includes imagining things where certain areas of the brain like temporal and occipital lobes are activated which respond in a certain way. The brain has 86 billion neurons that need energy and the cells start firing electrical impulses whenever we think about something.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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