Have you ever thought to get rid of blackheads naturally ? Though everyone has certain skin problems and keeps complaining about various problems they, blackheads are yet the most common and most of us don’t know literally how to remove them at home via natural ways. You might have tried nose strips, got a facial or tried squeezing them out but you can’t do it all the time. As far as the pollution or dirt is concerned you might get new blackheads every day. definitely, you can’t afford going parlor every other day or just keep scratching them out, it certainly hurts. Well, here are some easy and natural ways to keep your skin clear and pure of blackheads.
But first, you need to know how they are actually formed? What causes in the skin to produce a blackhead and make it look weird? It is basically your skin pores that get caught by a small reddish-brown, or black particle which makes it look a little bumpy. That particle could either be dust or your dead skin cells or oil that accumulates in the follicles. And when the skin over this bump opens up, the exposure to air makes it look black hence the name blackhead. Squeezing them out is not a good idea which may make a scar or let that part look inflamed.
Here are some simple home-based tips that will not only let you get rid of these blackheads but acne too, depends on the skin type as well. The tips will help you get rid of your skin pores, harmful microbes residing on your skin and ultimately diminish spots. A thing you need to remember while applying any of the tips that suit you well is not to rub your skin too frequently. As it will damage the skin, may cause rashes and scars or aggravate the blackheads.
Home remedies to get rid of Blackheads:
Egg White:

Take 1 teaspoon honey and mix it into an egg white. Apply the mixture to your face. Let the face dry and wash it off with mildly warm water. You can repeat the procedure twice or once a week. It is best suited for oily skin or combined skin. This face mask will not only help you get rid of blackheads but from a greasy skin too. The albumin component present in the egg yolk helps to tighten the pores which hinder any blackheads from getting into your skin. The mask helps the skin to glow as well.

First of all, make a thick paste of cinnamon powder and honey. Apply it on your blackheads for at least 20 minutes and other parts of the face too. Then rinse it with water. Repeat the procedure at least 3-4 times a week. The mask is suitable for oily skin, combination skin, and normal skin as well. Make sure you do a patch test on any pit of your arm as the spice may give an unpredictable reaction on your skin. Cinnamon actually helps in improving the circulation of blood and keeping the skin healthy and glowing as well. It tightens the pores and delays aging as well.
Aloe Vera:

You might have heard a lot about the tremendous uses of aloe vera when it comes to skin. Here is a simple tip to help you get it all. Extract fresh aloe vera gel from its leaves and apply it directly to your skin. Leave it for 10 minutes and afterward wash with lukewarm water. You can apply it daily on your skin for a fresh and smooth skin. And yet the mask is applicable on all types of skin. To name a few it soothes the skin, clean the pores, controls excess oil production, helps you get rid of blackheads, acne and cures many other skin issues. Well, it has plenty of things to do with your skin. Just give it a try and see the wonders.
Turmeric Powder and Mint Juice:

Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons fresh mint juice to make a paste out of it. Apply the paste to blackheads and other affected areas of your face and let it dry. It will take 15-20 minutes until it dries. Rinse it with lukewarm water and moisturize the skin afterward. You can repeat the procedure once in a week. It is also suitable for all skin types. Turmeric has been known to be a great healing ingredient since long. Basically, curcumin as its key ingredient is antimicrobial in nature and clears the bacteria present in its pores. It is also anti-inflammatory and has anti-oxidant properties as well which play definitely a great part of freshening your skin. Mint juice, on the other hand, is very cool in nature and thus soothes the skin.

Take a cup of fresh fenugreek leaves and grind them with an optimized proportion of water to make a thick and smooth paste. Apply the paste all over the affected areas and let it dry. Rinse it with lukewarm water after 10 minutes. Apply a moisturizer after the skin gets dry. Seeds can be used instead of fresh leaves to make a paste, whatever is easy for you to fetch. You can use this paste once or twice a week. It is best suitable for all skin types. It is the best topical application for all over your skin and makes a great deal to your body when consumed orally. It has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well. It possesses emollient property as well which softens the skin and efficiently clears blackheads and whiteheads from your skin as well.

Take the tomatoes as much as you want, peel them mash them and apply all over your blackheads before going to the bed. Leave it overnight and wash it with water as soon as you get up in the morning. It is very simple and you can apply it every night before going to the bed. It is best suitable for all skin types. Well, if your skin is sensitive you can dilute it with some water. Tomatoes have a natural antibacterial density that dries up the blackheads. It contains lycopene which has strong antioxidant properties and thus capable of killing the free radicals in your skin which damage the skin.
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