How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks



If stretch marks are extremely common then why anyone has not talked about it? To answer that question the discussion should be turned to: the history and terminologies used in the medical science of stretched marks, the signs and symptoms, causes, and finally prevention. Furthermore, to begin with, we discuss the history and terminologies, of stretched marks in medical sciences.

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Medical terminologies and history

Medical terminologies that are used to describe stretch marks  are:

  1. striae atrophic
  2. vergetures
  3. striae distensae
  4. linea atrophic
  5. linea Alicante
  6. or simply, striae

On the contrary, since the ancient times, women have sought remedies to prevent stretched marks during their pregnancy. Both Greek and Romans used olive oil, while Ethiopians and Somalis used frankincense. Although, we should be discussing more the signs and symptoms of stretched marks yet history and the medical terminologies were important to discuss.

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Signs and Symptoms

Since stretch marks can be formed anywhere on the yet the most common areas are the abdomen, breast, buttocks, hips, flank, and thighs. Furthermore, stretch marks are not physically dangerous but they can cause self-image and anxiety in some people. However, before the signs of stretch marks can appear, they will make the infected part pink which can make you feel irritated or itchy. In addition to, the color of these marks can vary from person to person, depending upon the color of the skin. For example; if the skin color is white, they can appear red, purple or pink; if the skin color is brown, dark-brown or black, they can appear in reddish brown or dark brown. They can, but do not always cause burning or itching sensation. On the other hand, they pose no risk of health in and of themselves and also they do not cause any inability to normal functioning of the body. They are usually considered to be a cosmetic nuisance. However, there are numerous factors their formation.


Stretched marks are easily diagnosed by a skin examination and a review of medical history. The doctor will always ask you the questions that are based on signs and symptoms as well as any medications currently is use or existing medical condition.

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The skin consists of three layers deep layer, mid layer, and the upper layer. Stretch marks are caused in the dermis (mid layer) when connected tissues are stretched beyond their elastic capacity. An increase in cortisone level can increase the severity of probability of stretch marks by reducing the pliability of skin. It prevents the fibroblast from forming collagen and elastin fibers which are necessary to keep rapidly growing skin taut results in affecting the dermis. In other words, this happens usually due to rapid expansion or contraction of the body. As the body grows, faster than it should, the connecting fibers in slowly stretch (at its normal pace) to accommodate slow growth. But the body is growing rapidly and beyond the elasticity of the tissues, the rapid growth then causes dermis to tear which allows the deeper layer to show. However, some common causes of stretch marks are:

  1. Around fifty to ninety percent women experience stretch marks during pregnancy.
  2. Rapid growth in young people going through puberty can experience stretch marks.
  3. Putting on a lot of weight in a short amount of time can cause stretch marks.
  4. Certain medical conditions can cause stretch marks, such as Marfan syndrome, which can lead to decrease elasticity in skin tissue; Cushing syndrome, which can lead body to produce too much of a Harmon that can lead to rapid weight gain and skin fragility.
  5. Elongated use of corticosteroid cream can diminish the value of collagen and collagen is a thing that strengthens and supports the skin. So reduced collagen can increase the risk of stretched marks.

Pregnant Woman Holding Baby Shoes in Her Tummy

Risk Factors

Extreme skin growth can cause stretch marks and numerous factors have been associated with the development of stretch marks. However, some common factors of skin to generate stretched marks are:

  1. Family history
  2. Chronic diseases
  3. BMI (Body Mass Index) before pregnancy
  4. Birthweight of child in woman who is pregnant

Although risk factors to cause stretch marks are less yet if known before they can be prevented easily. So let’s check out for some ways to prevent them from coming on the first place.

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Prevention of stretch marks can be costly and mostly ineffective. Although, treatments are proposed with lotions, gels, creams, cosmetic surgeries yet there is very little evidence for effectiveness to support of such treatments. On the other hand, stretch marks mostly fade over time for especially a woman who has got them during pregnancy. A woman who has developed the stretch marks during pregnancy, she will probably get rid of stretch marks in six to twelve months after giving birth. However, makeup can also be used to hide the marks while they are more pronounced, as very little is the ability in the treatment to deliver long-lasting improvement for all skin types.

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Since very little work, to prevent stretch marks, has been invented so far, prevention them can be a better option. Although stretch marks can hardly be prevented yet some steps can be useful to minimize the risk:

  • Aim to slow or gradual weight gain during pregnancy
  • Eat balanced diet and also a diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals (a suitable amount of vitamin A and C can help support the skin as well as the mineral zinc and silicon)
  • Avoid yo-yo dieting
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink, at least, six to eight glass of water every day.


Stretch marks pose no health risk and treatment is normally intended self-image. However, they may be unsightly, but they are a common and temporary (often) problem. And sometimes, if the treatment is not done on time, the person may end up making his or her (especially) miserable for her. So make a good care of yourself and your loved ones!

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