For healthy living, it is imperative to increase your metabolism. Metabolism is defined as the rate at which body burns its calories. These calories are used to perform body activities. The chemical reactions involved keeps the body functioning. Metabolism rate plays a major role in losing weight, the higher the rate the easier it is for the body to lose fat. The speed of metabolism depends on factors such as age, genetics, gender and physical activity. Let’s look at some of the habits you can adopt to increase your metabolism.
Eating habits greatly increase your metabolism. Irregular eating schedule can decrease the metabolism rate, thereby allowing accumulation of fat in the body. It is advised to take small meals after every 3-4 hours. By eating at regular intervals, your body maintains a balance and regularity which are necessary for proper functioning of body organs and to keep the metabolism rate going at a good pace.

Studies have also shown how protein consumption helps boost the metabolism rate. Increased protein intake raises the metabolic rate by 15-30%. It also reduces the chances of overeating along with reducing drop in metabolism rate often encountered during dieting.
Another method by which you can increase your metabolism rate is by ideal water consumption. A hydrated body always functions at its best. It is advised to drink water instead of sugary drinks primarily because it reduces calorie intake and secondly it enhances the metabolism. For people aged 18-23, 1.5 liters per day is necessary to lose body weight. Drinking water half an hour before meals helps to eat less food. The calorie-burning effect is increased if cold-water is consumed. In that case your body burns more calories to release the more amount of heat and use the energy to bring its temperature up to the body temperature.

Another natural way to speed up metabolism rate is by doing a high-intensity workout. The more energetic the exercise, the more calories will be burned by the body until the body returns to normal. Regular exercise also helps burn the body fat by boosting the metabolism. About 40% of the energy produced from the food we consume is used up to carry out physical activities such as walking, running and other day to day tasks. The body keeps on burning fat even when even it is at rest, but if the body does not utilize this energy, the calories starts to accumulate within the body leading to weight gain.

Green tea has been found to increase the metabolism rate by 4-5%. The extract present in green tea enhances metabolism. As it is low in calories and also acts as an alternative to sugary juices and drinks, green tea not only reduces fat intake but also satisfies the person’s requirement of water. Along with the metabolic benefits, they also prove to be a healthful addition.
A good night’s sleep also reduces the risk of weight gain. Sleep deprivation negatively effects metabolism rate. Lack of sleep is linked with increased blood sugar levels due to which body releases a hormone, Ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry, causing obesity.
For healthy living, it is imperative to increase your metabolism. Metabolism is defined as the rate at which body burns its calories. These calories are used to perform body activities. The chemical reactions involved keeps the body functioning. Metabolism rate plays a major role in losing weight, the higher the rate the easier it is for the body to lose fat. The speed of metabolism depends on factors such as age, genetics, gender and physical activity. Let’s look at some of the habits you can adopt to increase your metabolism.
Eating habits greatly increase your metabolism. Irregular eating schedule can decrease the metabolism rate, thereby allowing accumulation of fat in the body. It is advised to take small meals after every 3-4 hours. By eating at regular intervals, your body maintains a balance and regularity which are necessary for proper functioning of body organs and to keep the metabolism rate going at a good pace.
Studies have also shown how protein consumption helps boost the metabolism rate. Increased protein intake raises the metabolic rate by 15-30%. It also reduces the chances of overeating along with reducing drop in metabolism rate often encountered during dieting.
Another method by which you can increase your metabolism rate is by ideal water consumption. A hydrated body always functions at its best. It is advised to drink water instead of sugary drinks primarily because it reduces calorie intake and secondly it enhances the metabolism. For people aged 18-23, 1.5 liters per day is necessary to lose body weight. Drinking water half an hour before meals helps to eat less food. The calorie-burning effect is increased if cold-water is consumed. In that case your body burns more calories to release the more amount of heat and use the energy to bring its temperature up to the body temperature.
Another natural way to speed up metabolism rate is by doing a high-intensity workout. The more energetic the exercise, the more calories will be burned by the body until the body returns to normal. Regular exercise also helps burn the body fat by boosting the metabolism. About 40% of the energy produced from the food we consume is used up to carry out physical activities such as walking, running and other day to day tasks. The body keeps on burning fat even when even it is at rest, but if the body does not utilize this energy, the calories starts to accumulate within the body leading to weight gain.
Green tea has been found to increase the metabolism rate by 4-5%. The extract present in green tea enhances metabolism. As it is low in calories and also acts as an alternative to sugary juices and drinks, green tea not only reduces fat intake but also satisfies the person’s requirement of water. Along with the metabolic benefits, they also prove to be a healthful addition.
A good night’s sleep also reduces the risk of weight gain. Sleep deprivation negatively effects metabolism rate. Lack of sleep is linked with increased blood sugar levels due to which body releases a hormone, Ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry, causing obesity.
You can now adopt all or some of the habits to speed up your metabolism. It will not only perform this purpose, but also help in shaping your lifestyle. If you have any more questions on
You can now adopt all or some of the habits to speed up your metabolism. It will not only perform this purpose, but also help in shaping your lifestyle. If you have any more questions on