About 32% of all deaths worldwide are caused by atherosclerosis, as a result of clogged arteries. Hard veins not only put you at risk of severe heart disease, but they can also be fatal if not treated in time. Moreover, although a medical intervention can help control clogging, it does not prevent the condition from occurring again. This is until you decide to make some important changes in your diet and lifestyle. So, what can you do to prevent the arteries from clogging?
The intricate circulatory system consists of capillaries, blood vessels, and veins. These tubes interchange oxygenated blood in your body and help increase the function of your body. When oxygen is used, you emit carbon dioxide from your lungs, breathe oxygen-rich blood, and resume the cycle.

As long as the blood vessels are clear and open, the blood can flow freely. Sometimes there are small blockages inside the blood vessels. These barriers are called plaques. They develop when cholesterol is attached to the artery wall.
Your immune system, sensing the problem, will send white blood cells to attack cholesterol. Due to a series of reactions, it can lead to inflammation. In the worst case, the cells form a plaque over the cholesterol, and a small blockage occurs. Sometimes they break off and can cause a heart attack. As the plaques grow, they can completely block the flow of blood in the blood vessels.
Diet can take on an important role in improving the health of the heart and reducing the risk of developing plaque. It is never too late to mend eating habits. Just as years of eating un-healthily can damage your body, eating well can help you heal. The heart-healthy diet contains many good fats and a low amount of bad fats. Add more good-fats to your diet. Good fats are also called unsaturated fats. Olives, nuts, avocado, and fish contain these types of fats.
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Reduce sugar intake. Vitamins and minerals are found along with the sugar naturally present in fruits. Processed foods such as cookies, ice cream, and sugar found in sugary drinks have no nutritional value. Too much sugar can harm your health.
Exercise can improve your heart health and help prevent heart problems. If you are not physically active, start slowly. Take a casual stroll in the park. Whenever you finish your work and have some leisure time, go for a walk. Gradually build your routine and strength. Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise for five days a week.
The day you quit smoking, your health will begin to improve. Quitting smoking can also help raise your HDL levels. Talk to your physician if you need help to stop smoking. They can recommend programs and resources to quit smoking.
Too much alcohol can also affect your heart. But some studies have shown that modest alcohol use can increase your HDL levels. However, it is not a good idea for someone to start drinking for this reason. These studies are not reliable for doctors to encourage anyone to drink for heart health. As you eat better and move more, the natural result may be that you lose weight. Excessive weight gain increases your LDL cholesterol. This increases your risk of plaque build-up.
Losing your body weight between 5 and 10 percent can greatly affect your health, including your cholesterol. If your healthcare provider discovers that one or more of your arteries have been blocked, lifestyle changes may not be enough. Instead, your doctor may suggest invasive treatment to remove or overcome blockages.
You must work with your doctor to make a treatment plan if you have a clogged artery. If the blockages are not treated, you can have serious health complications, such as stroke, aneurysm, or heart attack.