How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers?

Social Media Affects On Teenagers

Many parents worry about how technology such as social media affects their children, especially teenagers. We all know that social media can be a great tool to let your children learn about the latest news, trends, and technology. However, if teenagers start abusing this freedom, then this is a significant cause of concern.

According to experts, text messaging and social media are lowering self-esteem and promoting anxiety in teenagers. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are all equally responsible for creating feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Let’s take a look at how social media is impacting the lives of teenagers.

Although social networking plays an essential role in helping teenagers learn valuable skills and broadening social connections, it is harmful to mental health. Depression is a significant health issue caused by the overuse of social media. The increase in loneliness due to being wholly glued to social media platforms is what’s causing depression.

Teenagers are often emotional while using their social media accounts. The pressure of uploading well-written posts without errors and perfect photos, along with the stress of responding swiftly by being online most of the time, is causing anxiety in teenagers. Some studies have revealed that a teenager with a larger social circle online has a greater chance of feeling anxiety. Other factors like cyberbullying and getting embarrassing remarks are additional sources of stress.

Another major issue due to social media overuse is sleep deprivation. Countless hours on social media platforms make teenagers lose valuable sleep, resulting in anxiety, depression, overeating, a drop in grades, and moodiness. Some teenagers are so addicted that they check their social media accounts when they wake up during the night. This makes them more tired and less happy than teenagers who have a peaceful night’s sleep. Teenagers need more sleep than adults, so that sleep disruptions can take a toll on their physical health. For example, lack of sleep can compromise the immune system, which means more chances of getting sick.

Many teenagers get envious when they see someone with higher status or more wealth. Some also get disturbed by watching other people who are more successful in life. Since people typically post positive things on social media, the readers seem to think that they are the only ones with problems in their life. What they don’t understand is that everybody has ups and downs in their life. This feeling of envy develops into hatred, anger, loneliness, depression, and other mental problems.

Communication using social media is not like real life. You can never understand the emotions behind the words, even if the sender uses emojis. The absence of a natural tone of voice and facial expressions can cause communication issues amongst teenagers.

So, what did you learn after watching this video? If you use social media frequently, will you limit your usage? Tell us how you plan to do so by commenting below, and do share this video with your loved ones.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!