Immune system can fight back Coronavirus


Coronavirus is taking all the place in the news and not in a good way, as it is spreading fear everywhere, there is something positive in an air of despair. Australian researchers have found out the body immune’s response towards coronavirus, and the result is promising. An Australian woman of age 40’s tested positive for novel coronavirus but showed only mild to moderate symptoms. Researchers found that the human response to this virus is similar to influenza; reasons can be various. Indeed it is caused by the new viral strain, but our body knows how to combat this virus.

People having a good immune system are able to fight this virus out of the body, the estimate that over 80% of Covid-19 cases are mild and not severe.

Blood samples were taken from the studied patients, to put together the first-ever report on the broad immune system against Covid-19. This research was held at the University of Melbourne and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Studying these blood samples, the study’s authors examine the body immune’s response to the viral infection closely and come to the conclusion that the robust immune system is a key to developing a successful Covid-19 vaccine.

“We showed that despite the fact that covid-19 is caused by a new viral strain, a robust immune response throughout distinct cell types associated with clinical recovery, just like what we see in influenza,” states the University of Melbourne professor Katherine kedzierska.

This gives us the clues of what drives the recovery of Covid-19

and also an understanding of what’s lacking in those who have fatal outcomes.”

Co-study author Dr. Oanh Nguyen explains in a press release “we looked at the whole breadth of the immune response on the affected person using the knowledge gained looking immune responses in patients hospitalized with influenza for many years, and we noticed numerous immune cells, three days after the patient become admitted, which are frequently a good sign of recovery during seasonal influenza infection, so we anticipated that the patient would recover in three days.”

The Peter Dohetry Institute for Infection and Immunity, a joint initiative between Melbourne University & Hospital, had planned a program designed to quickly gather the samples of the infected patients returning to Australia. They had this program planned before Covid-19 arrived on the global scene.

The level of foresight here is pretty astounding. The complete global has been taken with the aid of surprise by way of covid-19, but this group of scientists at least had the correct protocol in the region to examine the virus as quickly because it arrived in the land down under.

“As COVID-19 emerged, we already had ethics and protocols in place so we could rapidly start looking at the virus and immune system in great detail,” says Dr. Irani Thevarajan.

These are marvelous findings, but still, we can not take it lightly as coronavirus has a high mortality rate. People having strong immune system has the capability of getting better, but try not to be a carrier of this disease because there are several populations which can not fight with this virus-like old age, compromised immune system or people having other medical issues.

“We are trying to expand our work nationally and also on an international platform to find out the reason for mortality and to get further knowledge about speedy and great recovery and future emerging viruses,” said Dr. Thevarajan.

There are a lot of things to do, to find a proper cure and facts about the virus. But it is not harmful to have some positive vibes during the stage of madness.

Do remember if you have a good immune system, you can fight this virus.


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