What is the importance of vaccination?


The importance of vaccination lies in protecting the human body against diseases. It basically involves the administration of a vaccine for providing immunity against a disease. It activates the immune system of our body and prevents us from developing diseases. There are many microorganisms in our environment. They mostly harm our bodies. They can cause serious diseases that can also prove to be fatal. Vaccines are administered so that they could protect the human body from the harmful, disease-causing microorganisms.

Following reasons explain the importance of vaccination;

1- Protection against diseases:

This is the most important effect of vaccination. It provides the development of resistance against infections and can, therefore, provide protection against so many diseases. It protects from life-threatening diseases such as mumps, measles, polio, tetanus, and diphtheria. All these diseases cause a lot of complications and can even cause death in severe cases.

2- Eradication of diseases:

Vaccination has played an important role in declining the rate of infectious diseases and has also played a role in the complete eradication of fatal diseases like small-pox and rinderpest. There are some diseases that have been completely eradicated from major regions of the world, but they still do exist in some smaller regions. These diseases include rabies, syphilis, rubella, and hookworm. Therefore vaccines must be administered for the complete eradication of these diseases from all the regions of the world.

3- Reduces spreads of diseases:

Individuals who are not vaccinated can cause the spread of disease to other individuals. This can also cause the spread of an epidemic. Vaccination prevents this from happening. It suppresses the disease and does not allow it to spread on a large scale.

4- Causes a decline in the mortality rate:

Since vaccination provides immunity against a disease, it prevents the disease from occurring. A dramatic decline in the death rate has been observed due to vaccination. In the past, a lot of people have died due to diseases like small-pox, measles, mumps, chicken-pox, rabies, diphtheria, tetanus, and yellow fever. But after the introduction of vaccines, there has been a significant decrease in these diseases, thereby declining the deaths caused by these diseases. Hence vaccination is also important in reducing the death rate.

5- Provides healthy life:

Due to vaccines, the risk of diseases and the rate at which certain diseases spread, also gets decreased. This allows individuals to live a happy, healthy, and disease-free life. Individuals can perform their daily activities without any difficulty. The entire nation can make progress. When an individual is suffering from a life-threatening disease, others around the patient get stressed and depressed. Financial problems can also occur. Vaccination can also prevent these problems by providing protection against infectious diseases.

Some people are against getting their children vaccinated. There is a common misconception about vaccination that it causes the development of autism. There are other misconceptions as well. Some parents get scared and do not want their children to get vaccinated. All these misconceptions are entirely wrong. The parents should do research on the importance of vaccination. They should be made aware of the importance of vaccination, and how it plays a role in protecting the individuals against diseases so that they could get their children vaccinated.


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