Major Eating Disorders

Major Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are now standard. We now see characters portrayed in the movie having eating disorders. People suffering from an eating disorder are either underweight, have a healthy weight, or are overweight. People having eating disorders face distortions within their body image that can lead to the absolute indulgence of exercises and eating habits. Patients who suffer from eating disorders most likely experience anxiety, depression, and element use challenges. Eating disorder is an umbrella term which categorizes the individuals suffering from challenging mental condition rather than the eating disorder itself. It is a condition where a person suffers from a psychological state leading to unhealthy eating habits. The major eating disorders include bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, or binge eating disorder. These eating disorders affect millions of individuals worldwide irrespective of their ages, races, genders, or cultures.  Please have a look at each eating disorder to know more about them.

You might be wondering how these eating disorders occur? It usually occurs due to genetic transmission, personality traits such as perfectionism, or impulsive behavior. Other causes include social pressure to be excessively thin, appearance over digital media along with the biological differences or brain structure where more dopamine and serotonin are released.

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Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder where the person experiences frequent and recurrent episodes of overeating large amounts of meals followed by immediate vomiting, excessive exercise, or fasting. Patients suffering from bulimia nervosa are usually healthy weight, underweight, or overweight. People who have bulimia nervosa overthink about the shape of their body, self-image, and their weight. They suffer from uncontrolled eating episodes, which lasts twice a week or for months. 

Anorexia nervosa is another eating disorder where a person adopts extreme fasting, excessive exercise in routine, extreme dieting or fasting, consumes pills, laxatives, diuretics, or undergoes severe vomiting. Women are more commonly affected by anorexia nervosa when compared to men. These individuals usually express concerns regarding their body image, the way they look, whether they appear fit or not. These people typically maintain weight below the average limit of the entire nation respective to their height and age. They usually miss three consecutive menstrual cycles. They suffer from an intense fear of gaining excess weight, body shaming, or having an excess accumulation of fats within the body. 

Binge eating disorder is another significant type of eating disorder where the person repeatedly consumes large meals over some time. This typical behavior by such individuals is seen twice a week for 6-7 months or more. People experiencing binge eating disorder do not tend to lose weight with extreme exercises. These people are not able to lose weight, and they only feel guilty, stressed, or shameful after overeating. People with binge eating disorder have no guilt regarding their behavior or their physical appearance, and they usually face depression and anxiety. People with binge eating disorders typically undergo continuous weight gain. Such patients eat secretly, and they feel shameful when their friends and family members know about their food intake. These people have intense satisfaction once they eat large meals of their choice, followed by mood swings and repentance.

There are various other types of eating disorders, but you need to understand that eating disorder is a form of complex mental condition. It is, therefore, important that you consult the healthcare professional immediately for an appropriate treatment protocol.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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