30 New strains of Coronavirus found due to Mutation


Latest reports suggest 30 new strains of coronavirus found due to mutation as claimed by the scientists in china:

Researchers and latest studies do warn the vaccine developers now and then that these mutations can cause a negative impact over the vaccine against the virus leading to potential pitfalls. Chinese scientists have lately discovered around 30 new mutations of coronavirus due to which they explain certain parts of the world are experiencing a deadly situation because of this contagious infection. Researchers working at Zhejiang University claim that they have direct evidence regarding the virus. They explain that this evidence tells us that the virus has acquired certain mutations that make it capable to survive and change its pathogenicity over time. 


This study was proposed by a team of reputable scientists including Professor Li Lanjuan who is one of the well-known scientists of China. He was the first scientist who proposed a lockdown situation in Wuhan after the origin of COVID-19. The study involved the samples from 11 admitted hospital patients in Hangzhou which are 470 miles east of Wuhan. This hospital reported around 1264 cases in total for which vaccine was in the developmental process to kill the infected cells. These samples were taken at this hospital during the early phase of the COVID-19 outbreak from 22nd January to 4th February. With the use of ultra-deep sequencing, scientists were able to identify the 33 mutations of the latest coronavirus known as SARS-COV-2, out of which 19 were new. The deadliest mutation of coronavirus was also seen in the samples during the study which has also been found in patients all over Europe as reported by South China Morning Post. It also reported that certain functional changes might occur in the spike proteins of the virus because of the mutations. Spike proteins are the types of proteins present over the surface of the coronavirus which aids in attachment of the virus. However, the milder mutations of coronavirus seen during the study are predominantly seen in areas of the United States including Washington State as said by the newspaper.

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New strains of Coronavirus
New strains of Coronavirus

A single mutation was also seen in one individual amongst the five patients in the sample which was also seen in a patient within Australia as described in the study. The researchers further explained that the findings indicate that the coronavirus strain is truly diverse due to which it is largely unappreciated that how it will react to the vaccine. It is because of this reason that the researchers have warned the vaccine developers worldwide along with China that these accumulating mutations can have an adverse impact on the vaccine development leading to downfalls. During the study, the researchers also evaluated the number of cells affected by the virus i.e. the viral load after 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 48 hours. During the research, it was seen that the most aggressive coronavirus strain is around 270 times effective in causing the viral load in a human body and is highly potent when compared to the other corona strains. 

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Prof Li along with her colleagues also said that the findings indicate about increased cell death ratio with a higher viral load in the human body. This study by the Chinese scientists comprised of 11 patients out of which 8 were males and 3 females aged between 4 months to 71 years old with moderate to severe symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19). MedRxiv.org uploaded the research that all these patients recovered from the virus. The study further says that the findings were not peer-reviewed but permitted by Zhejiang University.

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New strains of Coronavirus

There have been around 2.4 million or more than that coronavirus cases which are still not detected in patients worldwide. The number of dead COVID-19 patients has increased to around 170,000 deaths as claimed by John Hopkins University which is keeping a track of the coronavirus patients during this deadly pandemic. Coronavirus is being treated in the same way at all hospitals worldwide due to which the researchers who conducted this study reinforce that mutations of the coronavirus in different regions indicate that the condition should be treated differently in different regions of the world.

Source : JPOST


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