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Five Diseases That Are Incurable

Considering the current medical advancements, research and studies being conducted, the modern era has witnessed some life-changing medical breakthroughs. The treatment methods for debilitating...

Fitness Tricks


4 Top Foods That Help You Achieve That Beautiful Skin Glow

Who doesn't wish to have healthy and gorgeous-looking skin? Nowadays, fake marketing campaigns and harmful products make you achieve unhealthy-looking skin, making you feel...


8 Foods That Decrease The Risk Of A Heart Attack

Do you know that heart diseases are responsible for nearly one-third of deaths worldwide? Heart diseases don’t discriminate! They are amongst the leading causes...
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Can Asthma Result In COPD?

According to the study conducted in 2004, it was seen that adults suffering from asthma are more likely to develop life-threatening lung infections like...

Breast Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

A major fact about breast cancer is that it is a malignant tumor that develops inside the breast of a man or woman. However,...

3 Amazing Ketogenic Coffee Recipes

If you are already fond of coffee then you will be happy to know some great benefits that coffee brings with it. though it...

Why Can’t We Treat Hiv/ Aids?

HIV/ AIDS was diagnosed in 1996 as a death sentence for the patients but with advanced medical treatment options, the HIV cocktail was designed...

How To Manage Your Uric Acid Levels?

Uric acid is the metabolic product of purine metabolism. Purines are normally produced in the body and help in the formation of DNA and...

Five Signs You Are Eating Too Much Salt

Eating salt is common worldwide as our taste buds are used to having flavor only salt. Sodium is one of the essential nutrients required...

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