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Is Salt The White Poison?

Did you know that salt is dubbed" white poison" by nutritionists? A high-salt diet is detrimental to health and cognitive functions and is one of...

Fitness Tricks


4 Top Foods That Help You Achieve That Beautiful Skin Glow

Who doesn't wish to have healthy and gorgeous-looking skin? Nowadays, fake marketing campaigns and harmful products make you achieve unhealthy-looking skin, making you feel...


How Does Short Term And Long Term Memory Functions?

Once your mind starts generating any memories, it is stored whether for the short-term or for the long-term. According to the experts, there is...
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How Can We Be Confident?

There can be many triggers for disbelief and being under-confident. From being obese to childhood trauma or lack of self-confidence, from poverty to family problems or poorly learned beliefs, the reasons are endless.

Can Music Have An Effect On Your Brain?

The setting of a scene can totally be transcended only if you pick the right music. In movies, we often see an example of...

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is one progressive, long-lasting disorder that negatively affects the spinal cord, brain, or optic nerves in the eyes. It affects balance, vision,...

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Stress

Before explaining the top 10 ways to get rid of stress it is necessary to let you know bit history of stress. It might surprise you...

Why Is Turmeric Famous?

Turmeric has a bitter, warm taste and is usually used to color or flavor different food items. Along with turmeric, its most active compound,...

Five Signs You Are Eating Too Much Salt

Eating salt is common worldwide as our taste buds are used to having flavor only salt. Sodium is one of the essential nutrients required...

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