Risk Factors For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Risk Factors For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Before identifying the risk factors for fetal alcohol syndrome, have a look at what is fetal alcohol syndrome. It is a type of condition which is present in children that occurs due to the high exposure of alcohol consumption in mothers during the pregnancy period. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition where the baby suffers from neurological disorders along with growth issues. It is a highly debilitating condition which halts the growth of your children leading to mental as well as physical disabilities. There is no such significant amount of alcohol that can be utilized during pregnancy. Early diagnosis can help in treating eth fetal alcohol syndrome safely, which will help in reducing behavioral issues and learning difficulties.

The risk factors for fetal alcohol syndrome include excess consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, lower-income and education, higher gravity and gravidity, consumption of drinks regularly, living in a rural residential area, consuming drinks within all trimesters of pregnancy, and use of tobacco during pregnancy. 

The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome vary depending on the severity of the condition. It is a combination of physical as well as mental defects, the child experienced cognitive and intellectual disabilities, and the child faces difficulty to cope up with daily activities along with an issue to solve problems. Physical defects include: distinct facial features such as thin lips, small eyes, short and upturned nose. The baby also undergoes deformities in the limbs, fingers, and joints, stunted physical growth, hearing and visual disturbance, small brain size along with the reduced head circumference, defects in the heart along with damaged bones and kidneys.

The baby faces social or behavioral issues, i.e., trouble communicating socially with friends and family members. They face difficulty in processing information, solving problems, and has poor skills in all fields.

It would be best if you avoided the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, or other addictive compounds, which can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. The ultimate cause of fetal alcohol syndrome is the excess consumption of alcohol during pregnancy, which passes from the pregnant mother to the fetus. The fetus is unable to process alcohol in the same way to the adults due to which it buildup within the body. The accumulation of alcohol prevents the nutrients and oxygen from reaching the vital organs of the fetus. 

The diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome is usually completed with physical examination where heart murmurs are heard. As the baby matures, stunted growth, hearing or visual problems, abnormal features of the face, poor coordination, and small head are seen. Fetal alcohol syndrome is considered incurable. However, there are medicines and therapeutic approaches that can help in reducing the progression of the disease. Try preventing your child from suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome by reducing the intake of alcohol. Avoid drinking occasionally as well because few glasses of drink can also affect the growth of your child in the early trimester. It is, therefore, essential to avoid drinking if you are planning to get pregnant or go to rehab for further avoidance of drinking alcohol.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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