The compulsive use of addictives or illegal drugs that are self-damaging and pose delirious effects on human brain and body is termed as drug abuse. Addictives are habit-forming drugs that should be avoided in normal individuals. Let’s discuss the ten facts about drug abuse .
Drug abuse is a habit that urges the person to take more and more substance of abuse and generates addiction. Drug addiction can be very dangerous and in many cases prove to be fatal.
Drug abuse and addiction are usually interrelated terms. Drug addiction occurs when there is a abuse of certain substances by the user. The used drugs change the pattern of the brain tissue and delicate nervous pathways. Secretion of neurotransmitters is also affected. Brain undergoes rapid change hence the neural activity also suffers. Initially there is a rise in central nervous stimulation then after a certain point the neural activity undergoes a rapid decline in function and activity.
If these changes are not felt initially and nipped it the bud, the person develops a compulsive desire to continue his addiction and even increase it to higher quantity.
If we look carefully at the drug abuse statistics and facts, we will notice that the major contribution of these narcotics and other substance of abuse come from Spain, Brazil and other developing countries. The substance of abuse such as cocaine, nicotine, tobacco, marijuana, heroin and others are usually smuggled across the borders and transmitted to other parts of the world.
4 causes of drug addiction include stress, peer pressure, negative experiences in life that causes emotional derangement. Times of celebration can also compel a person to indulge in this activity.
One of the major causes of drug abuse is poverty. In order to feel high, poor people take harmful drugs that have the high killing rates. Environmental causes of drug abuse include passive smoking and peer pressure.
In majority of addiction cases, drug and alcohol addiction go side by side. Many people tend to get drugs injected in bars and other drinking setups when they are in a drunken state.
Drug abuse industry is a very active industry in all the major developing countries of the world. The presence of an illegal drug industry in the developing and non-developed countries is not very rare.
There are many harmful effects of drug abuse on the human body. Each and every component of human body suffers a great amount of injury due to this social evil. This injury is reversible up to some point. But if substance abuse is continued without any check and increased beyond limits, the tissue injury becomes irreversible.
One of the early signs of drug addiction includes change in nervous activity and behavioral changes. Dependence and tolerance develop gradually over a period of drug intake. Euphoria—feeling high and increased sociability is seen. After some time hallucinations, increased heart beat, paranoia and insomnia occur along with chills and sweating. Tremors and muscle cramps are also common.
Marijuana effects on the brain cannot be ignored. Signs of marijuana withdrawal include seizures and anxiety. Marijuana addiction withdrawal symptoms should be treated properly.