Top 10 Ways Insomnia Affects Your Body:

Top 10 Ways Insomnia Affects Your Body

Sleep is essential to carry out your everyday functions, but lack of sleep or insomnia can disturb the signaling system of your body as CNS regulates all the signals of your body. Insomnia can drain all your body energy and affect your physical health drastically.


Lack of sleep can interfere with your internal body system and causes chronic diseases like a stroke, asthma attacks, seizures weak immune system, inflammation obesity diabetes mellitus high blood pressure heart disease, and many more; one should have proper sleep to reduce the risk of getting these severe medical conditions.


Sleep deprivation leaves significant, long-lasting effects on hormone levels. Lack of sleep results in the production of less sex hormone testosterone, which results in low sex drive, libido, and reduced reproduction. Low testosterone levels are also linked to metabolic syndrome – a cluster of metabolic risk factors that increase the chances of developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

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Tinnitus is a loss of hearing, and lack of sleep can worsen the symptoms of tinnitus. If we don’t sleep well, there is poor circulation of blood; blood doesn’t reach ear cells, which detects sound waves and translate them to the brain. These cells require a steady blood flow to function properly.


We have listened to lack of sleep causes dark circles under your eyes, but do you know it also results in premature skin aging. Poor sleepers demonstrated increased signs of skin aging; sleep is correlated with reduced skin health and accelerates skin aging. Sleep-deprived women show signs of premature skin aging and a decrease in their skin’s ability to recover after sun exposure.


During sleep, some pathways and waves are formed between neurons in the brain that help you remember new information you’ve learned. The brain waves transfer memories from a part of the brain called the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain where long term memories are stored. Sleep deprivation causes memories to stay stuck in the hippocampus and not reach the prefrontal cortex. This results in memory issues like forgetfulness and difficulty remembering names.


Yes, it is right; sleep deprivation is linked to an increased mortality rate, how? Lack of sleep results in exhaustion and weakness, and some of the major chronic diseases, it also lowers our reaction time and awareness, resulting in higher chances of having accidents and injuries. Progressive insomnia can lead to dementia and death.


Insomnia results in lower concentration and alertness, it is difficult to focus, and you can quickly get confused, you can’t make decisions with a confused mind, you can’t assess situations and pick the right option. No sleep has a particularly debilitating effect on judgment and decision-making processes.


Sleep deprivation causes changes in hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. The hormone leptin suppresses appetite and encourages the body to expend energy. Sleep deprivation reduces leptin. The hormone ghrelin, on the other hand, triggers feelings of hunger, and ghrelin goes up when you’re short on sleep. It results in more food, more calories, and more weight.


Insomnia depresses your immune system making you prone to diseases and infections. During sleep, cytokines are produced, which are infection-fighting cells; if you don’t get proper sleep, these cells don’t form. Cytokines give your body energy to fight with illness.


Lack of sleep results in negative moods like frustration, aggression, sadness, and a decrease in positive mood of happiness, mood swings are the most common symptoms of insomnia.

Are you going to get rid of insomnia?

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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