Top 5 Reasons That Cause Hair Thinning In Women

Hair Thinning In Women

Who doesn’t like to flaunt their lustrous hair? Many traditions and cultures consider healthy hair an excellent asset for women. Whether you love short or long hair, keeping them healthy must be on top of your priority list. Hair thinning or loss can be highly distressing for both women and men. While men suffer more from balding issues, women also tend to have hair problems. If you’re a woman going through hair thinning issues, the following reasons may be causing them:

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are amongst the most common causes of hair loss in women. However, the imbalance often results from underlying medical conditions like thyroid issues, PCOS, adrenal gland issues, or ovarian tumors. All these conditions can upset the normal hormone balance in your body. If women experience hair thinning or loss is followed by unwanted hair growth on other parts of the body like the chin, beard area, or chest area, it is probably due to hormonal issues. Male pattern baldness in females also indicates hormonal problems.


Genetics has a huge role in determining the quality and quantity of your hair. Women having ancestors and family members with thinner hair will experience hair thinning as well. These hereditary conditions are more common in the later ages between the 50s and 60s. However, women may experience hair thinning during teens and early adulthood as well.

Consider watching this video to know more about why do people go bald…

Early pregnancy

Motherhood comes with its challenges. While hair loss is more common after birth, it can also affect women during the early pregnancy stages. The body reacts to shock and changes inside it. Therefore, during the early days of pregnancy, some women may experience hair thinning. The hair fall or thinning phase usually lasts till the first trimester because the body is trying to adjust to the hormonal changes and conserving energy to support the baby’s growth.


Prolonged stress can contribute to hair loss in women. Women respond to stress differently than men and are more prone to be affected by it. Stress raises cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol shifts the hair follicles from the growth phase into a transition phase, making the hair fall out more, causing hair loss. So if you’ve been dealing with a lot of stress lately, it is time to adopt meditation, relaxing exercises, and healthy practices into your routine to avoid hair loss.

Heat and chemical damage

Hairstyling tools and products are trendy among women. However, these tools and chemical-loaded products harm the shafts of your hair and rip the moisture out of them. This leaves your hair looking dull and prone to damage. Weakened strands break off easily, leading to hair thinning. Using tight braids and combing the wrong way can cause a condition known as traction alopecia. It is hair loss caused by excessive pulling of hair. Using correct hair hygiene and better handling techniques cans save you from hair damage.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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