Top 5 signs you are eating too much salt


Eating salt is common worldwide as our taste buds are used to having flavor only salt. Sodium is one of the essential nutrients required by our body, muscles, nerve function, for fluid balance and functions within the body. Most of us consume salt more than what we required due to which it results in certain signs and symptoms within the body. The five signs seen in your body which shows that you are eating too much salt include:

You feel bloated at all times once you start consuming too much salt. Sodium has an essential role in maintaining the fluid balance and if too much salt is consumed it results in water retention within the body. According to a study, a high sodium diet can lead to increased bloating when compared to the low-sodium diet. A high-sodium diet comprises processed foods whereas the low-sodium diet comprises of fiber-rich foods which is why it is essential to increase the intake of vegetables and whole grains that helps in reducing bloating.

Headaches are commonly experienced by people when they consume excess salt as sodium results in fluid imbalance. According to a study, reducing the intake of sodium with excess consumption of vegetables, fruits along with low-fat dairy can help in reducing the headaches. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches which is why it is essential to incorporate as much water in your daily routine as possible so that your fluids are properly balanced.

You feel thirsty when you consume too much salt and you feel the need to consume more water to balance out the fluids. If you are facing this issue regularly then it surely indicates that you are consuming too much salt but if you experience it after a hot day then it might be just high temperature that’s making you drink a lot of water. Hypernatremia is seen in people who are dehydrated and don’t drink enough water in their daily routine. Hypernatremia can lead to muscle twitches, confusion along with seizures. 

You suffer from high blood pressure due to excess consumption of salt. You must keep a check on your sodium intake if you have consistently high blood pressure. Sodium is essential for our body as it helps in pulling out water from the different parts of the body to maintain fluids within the blood when there is an imbalance. When consuming excess salt, it can cause damage to the lining of blood vessels and cause blood clot formation and increases your chance to suffer from a heart attack or stroke. Sodium-rich foods are present in saturated fats and enhance your risk to suffer from heart health. It is essential to consume fiber-rich foods and compensate your sodium intake within the body.

A study indicates that excess salt intake can cause stomach inflammation and lead to stomach ulcer formation enhancing your risk to suffer from stomach cancers.

If you are suffering from such symptoms then it is better to choose a low-sodium diet so that you can enjoy the tantalizing taste and consume less sodium intake. The low-sodium diet promotes mental and physical health and avoids your risk to suffer from heart diseases and other chronic conditions like diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and others. Consult your healthcare professional immediately if you suffer from certain symptoms so that they can immediately treat you.  


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