Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is present in many foods, added as a dietary supplement. It produces endogenously when ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sunlight enter human beings’ skin and activate the Vitamin D combination. Sun exposure is the best way to develop Vitamin D in your body. Body fats act as a storage battery for Vitamin D during exposure to sunlight. It is stored in fat and then releases when daylight is gone. It is a requiring parameter for minerals, calcium, and phosphorus found in the body.

Vitamin D has many essential functions for the human body. Perhaps Vitamin D’s most vital role in regulating calcium and phosphorus absorption and managing a smooth immune system function. It is also sufficiently crucial for the average growth of bones and teeth and reduces catching different diseases by maintaining better resistance. A person who doesn’t have proper means of Vitamin D in his body has a high chance of catching diseases like osteoporosis (fragile bones) or Osteomalacia (soft bones).

Vitamin D is mandatory for the proper functioning of the human body. It can treat a rare inherited bone disorder caused by low phosphate levels in the blood by taking Vitamin D medicines with the right phosphate supplements for curing.  Low levels of the parathyroid (a hormone that helps maintain an appropriate balance of calcium in the bloodstream and tissues) and treated by taking Vitamin D supplements with the right prescription. A bone disorder that occurs in people with kidney disease treated with different Vitamin D medicines. It is also efficient in dealing with Rickets’ precautions and treatment (the disease of softening bones). Taking Vitamin D in medicine by low calcium level patients helps them from kidney failure and prevents bone loss.

Vitamin D has several important factors attached to it, making it essential for normal human beings to have it. It helps fight different diseases by building a better immune system, such as; decreases chances of having heart disease, lessen chances of developing the flu, etc. Vitamin D reduces depression in humans; it plays a significant role in mood swings and depression. Scientists found that people who took Vitamin D supplements had improvements in their symptoms of depression. Vitamin D helps boost weight loss; consider adding Vitamin D supplements in your body to lose weight or prevent heart diseases. 

From mentioned facts, we know the impact of Vitamin D on our body. But, what if your body lacks Vitamin D? What would you do in such circumstances? How would you recognize the deficiency in the earliest stage? A deficit means not having enough of that particular thing in your body. To identify the signs of Vitamin D in your body, you might have noticed a lot of fatigue in your daily routine, having bone pains now and then. Another factor might be having muscle weakness, muscle aches, and muscle cramps. You might also notice a lot of mood swings and changes.

It is harder to detect these symptoms and signs of Vitamin D deficiency in adults. The best thing to do when you notice sudden changes in the body are acting or behaving now; is best to get your checkup done. Doctors should do vitamin D tests on people of all ages or kids to know where they stand. Severe deficiency of Vitamin D leads to an acute disease like Rickets in children while Osteomalacia in adults.  As much as Vitamin D is essential, too much of anything is a risk for life. Do not take higher doses of Vitamin D without the consultation or prescription of your doctor.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!