What Are The Best Indicators Of Heart Diseases?

Indicators Of Heart Diseases

Haven’t we all at some point in our lives wished for the ability to predict the future? What if there were clear indicators before a heart disease occurred? It would definitely provide you with a chance to make amends or make other changes to your lifestyle so the condition doesn’t worsen. Well, lucky for you, there are several medical tests and physical indicators that make this wishful thinking become a reality.

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Heart diseases comprise of a family of diseases. They include – Blood vessel diseases, Heart defects and heart rhythm problems, commonly among many others. Being observant to your bodily aches and pains may be the key indicator of a heart disease. So the ladies must keep an eye out for shortness of breath, nausea and extreme fatigue for blood vessel diseases. While the men, for the same diseases, may feel chest pain, discomfort or tightness. Signs that apply to both include numbness or coldness in arms or legs.

It may seem like these symptoms can easily be confused for day to day fatigue. But experiencing them for a prolonged period of time is what sets them apart.

Another member of the heart disease family is abnormal heartbeats. With this comes an ease as according to the biometrics of a person, a set range of heart beats per minute is considered normal. So if you experience a racing heart, shortness of breath, dizziness or a slow heartbeat, it may be time to visit the doctor.

Congenital heart defects usually make themselves apparent in the patients after birth. So the chances are that people suffering from these are aware of it from an early age. But let’s assume someone who hasn’t yet been told about it. In case of these people, pale gray or blue skin, swelling in the legs or poor weight gain (as an infant), are the indication for a serious heart defect.

Though a congenital heart defect may not always be this serious. A heart defect of a less serious nature and one that hasn’t yet been diagnosed can be tested for if you experience easily tiring or shortness of breath during ‘not-so-stern’ exercise.

Paying heed to what your body experiences throughout the day may be an easily ignorable task. Thus, it is important to schedule yourself a few sessions with your doctor when you experience something out of the ordinary. Not just that, but it also stays as an unwelcomed guest; for an uncomfortably long time.

You don’t have to wait for scheduling an appointment with the doctor only after experiencing the symptoms. You can take a better measurement by sharing concerns with your doctor and changing your lifestyle so you may never suffer from heart disease.

A blood test works wonders as it helps detect what may be wrong with your heart. A blood test for C-reactive protein indicates inflammation. Whereas, a blood test for the hormone NT-proBNP indicates stress on the heart. You may be scheduled for a blood test for high-sensitivity troponin T which indicates damage to heart muscle. A 12-lead EKG provides information about hypertrophy, or thickening of the heart muscle. Lastly, a coronary calcium scan, a low-radiation imaging test, identifies calcified plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart.

With these advanced medical tests, improved health and a chance at redemption are not that far out of reach. They not only help predict the likeness of heart failure and atrial fibrillation but also provide excellent prediction for a heart attack and stroke. As precaution is always better than a cure, all you’ve to do is pay heed and commit to a healthier lifestyle.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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